- Financial liberalization and capital account opening are necessary, but they should be carried out in a gradual way. 对于发展中国家来说,金融自由化、资本项目开放是必要的,但必须采取循序渐进的步骤,不能急于求成。
- Cooperative service providers mainly include the fund sales payment and settlement institution and the fund sales capital account opening bank, etc. 合作的服务提供商主要包括基金销售支付结算机构和基金销售资金账户开立银行等。
- On the basis of clarifying capital account and capital account opening, the part analyzes the sameness and differences between the opening and restriction of capital account. 其中在明确了资本项目及资本项目开放的内涵基础上,分析了资本管制与资本项目开放的异同点,指出二者既有对立,又有统一。
- Key question is how to recognize and preclude the risks for capital account openness. 资本账户开放带来风险是肯定的,关键是如何识别资本账户开放所带来的风险并采取行之有效的手段与办法防范与化解风险。
- On the Impact of Capital Account Opening on Economic Operation 论资本账户开放对经济运行的影响
- International Comparison of Capital Account Opening and Enlightment of China 资本帐户开放国际比较及对我国的启示
- You can open countless capital account in different bourse. 你可以在不同的交易所开设无数个资金账户。
- Is the opening of capital account beneficial to economic growth?--Literature summarization of the relation between capital account opening and financial crisis 资本账户开放有利经济增长吗--关于资本账户开放与金融危机关系的文献综述
- The next category shows capital account. 下一类是资本项目。
- Keywords capital control;capital account opening;capital account convertibility;capital account liberalization;capital flight;money laundering;underground banking system; 资本管制;资本帐户开放;资本帐户可兑换;资本帐户自由化;资本外逃;洗钱;地下银行系统;
- I want to keep my Swiss bank account open. 我想保留我的瑞士银行账户。
- Keep one's account open at a bank. 在银行开有户头
- The Research on Analyzing and Precluding the Risk for Capital Account Openness 资本账户开放的风险分析与防范研究
- Nor is it certain that opening the capital account would mean a weaker rupee. 放开资本账户并不一定意味着削弱卢比,说不定它还会吸引更多的资本流入。
- In addition, the account opening procedure is convenient. 再者开户手续也非常简便。
- capital account opening 资本账户开放
- Debbie: Do you already have an account open with us? 您是否已经开立一个帐户给我们了呢?
- How to quantificationally evaluate the mature degree of conditions for opening capital account? 如何定量综合评价开放资本账户条件的成熟程度?
- The current and capital accounts together are the basic balance. 经常项目和资本项目共同构成基本差额。
- HSBC staff shall witness signatures appearing on the account opening forms. 开户文件上的签字需由本行职员见证。