- Method: Ammonia water induced cough model, capillary tube method, anoxia tolerance test were used to observe the cough relieving, sputum removing, anoxia tolerance effects of Ginkgo Dew. 方法:采用氨水引咳法、毛细管法及耐低氧实验观察银杏露止咳、祛痰及耐低氧作用。
- Method:Ammonia water induced cough model,capillary tube method,anoxia tolerance test were used to observe the cough relieving,sputum removing,anoxia tolerance effects of Ginkgo Dew. 方法 :采用氨水引咳法、毛细管法及耐低氧实验观察银杏露止咳、祛痰及耐低氧作用。
- capillary tube method 毛细管法
- Capillary tube controls refrigerant. 血丝管控制冷冻剂。
- It consists of metallic mercury dropping at a steady rate from a capillary tube. 它由金属汞从毛细管中以稳定速度滴下而成。
- The rate of uptake is measured by the progress of an air bubble in a capillary tube along a scale. 吸水的速率可通过毛细管中气泡的移动来衡量。
- The temperature dependent pressure change of this instrument is taken through a capillary tube to a display unit. 仪器中用一根毛细管将温度产生的压力变换传递到显示单元。
- The mathematical model of the micropore structure has been built in this paper on the capillary tube theory foundation. 摘要应用毛细管理论建立了微孔结构数学模型;
- A two-fluid model(TFM) for two-phase flow of refrigerant in adiabatic capillary tube was developed. 建立了制冷剂在绝热毛细管内流动的两流体模型,模型中考虑了气液两相间的速度滑移和温度滑移。
- It is similar to the force that causes a liquid to rise in a capillary tube - the capillary attraction, or capillarity. 正如引起液体沿毛细管上升的毛细引力。
- The capillary tube, which is between 500 mm and 5000 mm in length, allows measurements to be taken at any point using a mechanical remote display. 毛细管的长度为500 mm到5000 mm,用机械远程显示可以在任何地点测量。
- The melting point of five standard samples(vanillin, etc) have been measured precisely by DSC and capillary tube, respectively. 本文用DSC法和毛细管法精确测量了香草醛等五种熔点标样的熔点。
- The sound absorption coefficient of the material was tested by standing wave tube method. 采用驻波管法测试材料的吸声系数。
- Conclusion Different anticoagulants can affect the results of slide method and test tube method coagulase tests. 结论不同抗凝剂可影响玻片法、试管法血浆凝固酶试验的结果。
- In this paper, it is believed that the heat transfer mechanism of phase change in a capillary tube belongs to liquid film conduction and surface evaporation. 本文认为毛细管的相变传热机理为液膜的导热和表面蒸发;表面蒸发受蒸汽温度、汽液界面的温度以及汽液压力差的共同控制。
- After being analyzed with FEM, impedance tube method was introduced to measure sound transmission loss(STL) of glass. 在有限元分析基础上,采用了驻波管法对小样品玻璃进行隔声量测量。
- In test tube method, the positive rate of coagulase tests was 97.06% with both sodium citrate and EDTA-K2 as plasma anticoagulant. 试管法试验:EDTA-K2抗凝人血浆与枸橼酸钠抗凝人血浆凝固酶阳性率均为97.;06%25;
- Two new methods for making taper glass capillary tubes with ordinary drawing machine were developed. 提出两种用普通毛细管拉制机制备变径玻璃毛细管的新方法。
- Method:Forward and reverse blood types were detected by POSEIDON digital blood typing instrument ,U-type microplate and glass tube method and compared. 方法:使用POSEI-DON数字血型仪、U型板法和试管法进行血型正反血型判定比较。
- Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), prothrombin time (PT) and thrombin time (TT) were evaluated by test tube method in rabbit. 采用试管法测定新西兰兔活化部分凝血活酶时间(APTT),凝血酶辱、时间(PT)和凝血酶时间(PT)。