- In this electron micrograph, the capillary loop in the lower half contains two electron dense RBC's. 在这张电镜照片的下半部的毛细血管袢中有2个高电子密度的RBC。
- On histopathology,the cytonecrosis of glomerular capillary loop and renal tubules,protein casts in renal tubules in treatment group were also better than the control group. 病理组织学检查,对照组出现明显的肾小球毛细血管丛细胞坏死,肾小管明显扩张坏死,管腔大量蛋白管型,治疗组上述改变较轻。
- The thickened basement membrane (arrow) that results from immune complex deposition in the glomerular capillary loop is prominent in this electron micrograph. 电镜图示,由于免疫复合物沉积在肾小球毛细血管袢中,使基底膜增厚(箭头)。
- Note the relationship of the capillary loops to the mesangium. 注意血管袢和系膜的关系。
- Histologically,glomerular cellularity and the area ratio of extracellular matrix(ECM) to glomerular capillary loop in DM group was significantly higher than those in NC and LT groups(P<0.05,0.01),no statistical differences between LT and NC group(P>0.05). DM组肾小球细胞数及ECM/肾小球毛细血管襻面积较NC及LT组均升高(P<0.;05;0
- Note in the lower left glomerulus that the capillary loops are markedly thickened (the so-called "wire loop" lesion of lupus nephritis). 左下角的肾小球毛细血管管壁显著增厚(狼疮性肾炎时的“线圈”征)。
- Here is a glomerulus in which the capillary loops are markedly pink and thickened such that capillary lumens are hard to see. 图示肾小球,其中的毛细血管袢中呈明显的粉红色、管腔增厚,以至于毛细血管腔难以看见。
- The capillary loops of this glomerulus contain fat globules in a patient with fat embolism syndrome. 该脂肪栓塞患者的肾小球毛细血管腔内含有脂肪滴。
- Objective To discuss Changes of nailfold capillary loops after replanted severed fingers. 目的探讨断指再植后甲襞毛细血管襻变化规律的研究。
- Nodules of pink hyaline material form in regions of glomerular capillary loops in the glomerulus. 在肾小球内可见结节状的粉红色玻璃样物质环形分布在肾小球。
- This is a normal glomerulus by light microscopy.The glomerular capillary loops are thin and delicate. 正常肾小球,肾小球血管袢薄而清晰。
- This normal glomerulus is stained with PAS to highlight basement membranes. The capillary loops of the glomerulus are well-defined and thin. 正常肾小球,PAS染色以突出基底膜。肾小球血管袢薄而清晰。
- Here is a glomerulus with thickened pink capillary loops, the so-called "wire loops", in a patient with lupus nephritis. The surrounding renal tubules are unremarkable. 图示狼疮性肾炎病人肾小球;可见粉红色浓集的毛细血管袢;所谓“电线袢”;周围的肾小管不明显.
- Compared with health control group, features of IRS Patients,NFM are as follow: capillary loops less, export ramus is wider, capillary loops is longer(P<0.05). IRS甲襞微循环与正常组比较 :管袢较少、输出支较宽、管袢较长 (P <0 .;0 5 ) ;
- Results:Compared with health control group, features of IRS Patients,NFM are as follow: capillary loops less, export ramus is wider, capillary loops is longer(P<0.05). 结果:IRS甲襞微循环与正常组比较:管袢较少、输出支较宽、管袢较长(P<0.;05);
- This glomerulus is hypercellular and capillary loops are poorly defined. This is a type of proliferative glomerulonephritis known as post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis. 肾小球充满细胞,毛细血管袢分辨不清,为增生性肾小球肾炎,也称作链球菌感染后肾小球肾炎。
- Here is the light microscopic appearance of membranous glomerulonephritis in which the capillary loops are thickened and prominent, but the cellularity is not increased. 膜性肾小球肾炎,毛细血管袢明显增厚,但细胞并不增多。
- Blood flow is abnormal.The number of nailfold microcirculation capillary loops decrease, while deviant capillary loops increase.Capillary loops are shortened. 甲襞微循环异常,主要表现为流态异常、襻顶瘀血、异型管襷数量增多、红细胞聚集、管襷长度缩短、开放管襷数量减少、襷周渗出等。
- The news of their marriage knocked me for a loop. 他们结婚的消息使我大吃一惊。
- There are characteristic "spikes" seen with membranous glomerulonephritis seen here in which the black basement membrane material appears as projections around the capillary loops. 膜性肾小球肾炎的典型特征是形成“钉状突起”,可以看到黑色的肾小球基底膜呈放射状分布在肾小球囊壁的周围。