- The paper introduces Ad hoc network. The single path routing algorithm and the mult ipath algorithm are analyzed and compared. According to the on demand idea, inde pendent multipath algorithm based on DSR is proposed for Ad hoc networks. 目前Ad hoc网络正成为网络发展的热点,该文介绍Ad hoc网络,分析比较了单 路径和多路径算法,就多路径算法加以分析,同时借鉴按需路由的思想,在DSR协议的基础 上提出了Ad hoc网络的一种按需的独立多路径算法。
- Fractional inde pendent number; 分数星独立数;
- Who is the boy in the official school cap? 那个戴校帽的男孩是谁?
- She left the lantern pendent from the ceiling. 她让灯笼从屋顶上吊著。
- When will the pendent problem be solved? 这个悬而未决的问题什么时候能解决呢?
- Four pendent windows make the house unique. 四个向外伸出的窗户使这个房子独具特色。
- The cap should twist off easily. 这个帽儿应该容易拧开。
- Winning the medal was a feather in his cap. 获得奖章是他的荣誉。
- He wore a cap with tabs over the ears. 他带一顶有护耳的帽子。
- Put the cap back on the toothpaste. 把盖子重新拧在牙膏管上。
- In lieu of carrying an umbrella, I wore a waterproof coat and cap. 我穿一件雨衣,戴一顶雨帽,就不用带雨伞了。
- Before I can give them an answer I'll have to put my thinking cap. 在我回答他们之前,我必须好好地思索一下。
- Each pendent twig and leafy festoon was in a blaze. 每根悬挂着的细枝和每一串树叶都在燃烧。
- Winning the gold medal was yet another feather in her cap. 夺得金牌是她又一值得骄傲的成就。
- I am not going to them, cap in hand, and ask for help. 我不会卑躬屈膝地到他们面前去请求帮助。
- The old man went cap in hand to the rich, asking some money. 那位老人卑躬屈膝地去找富人要钱。
- Getuken i inde alara jakade, I teni ulhihe. 和他讲明白之后; 他才懂了.
- Dave has set his cap at the new typist. 戴维在追求新来的打字员。
- Shadows of the pendent lamps flickered on the wall. 吊灯的阴影在墙上摇曳。
- Put the cap back on the bottle, otherwise the juice will spill. 把瓶盖儿盖好,要不汁液就洒出来了。