- Used to express regret or disapproval. 悲哉!用来表示悔恨或不同意
- I express regret for your words. 我对你的话表示遗憾。
- He expressed regret over the death of your father. 他对你父亲的逝世表示哀悼。
- There was no need for the writer to express regret, he though. 便条的作者不必表示遗憾了,上校这样想着。
- cannot but express regret 不能不表示惋惜
- An acknowledgment expressing regret or asking pardon for a fault or offense. 道歉认错,愧悔因错误和冒犯而承认后悔,乞求原谅
- Able to apologize and express regret for situation, when appropriate. 适当时,能够为某种情况道歉或表示遗憾。
- The Danish government has expressed regret for the furor, but refused to become involved, citing freedom of expression. 丹麦政府表示抱歉,但并表示并不会干涉出版自由。
- The s-lap/GFP fusion protein can express in Hela cells and locate in entire cells, but express highly in the nucleus. s- lap/ GFP融合蛋白可在人 Hela细胞中表达 ,并主要定位于细胞核。
- They have very graciously expressed regret over the misinterpretation of this images, but they did nothing wrong in the first place. 他们都非常热情地表示遗憾误解这个图像,但他们没有不妥之首。
- His answer says yes, explain say, they quarrelled greatly one, she may be deliver this in order to express regret. 他回答说是的,并解释说,他俩大吵了一架,她可能是把这送来以表歉意。
- Good friends can help you to achieve your destination.Don't consider them as naturalness,but express your thanks liberally. 好友可以帮助你达成目标,不要将他们视为理解当然,要大方地表达感谢之意。
- We express regret and condolences to the death of Mr. Roh Moo-hyun and deep solicitude to his family. 答:我们对卢武铉先生不幸去世表示惋惜和哀悼,并向其亲属表示深切慰问。
- Yang Jun, despite not too much to carry out the struggle with Ricardo, Ricardo Yang's teammate on the act but express our strong dissatisfaction and almost appear siege. 尽管杨君没有过多与里卡多进行纠缠,但是杨君的队友对里卡多的行为感到强烈不满,并险些出现围攻。
- In the meantime, as Ghana creeps towards what may prove to be an explosive Jubilee celebration on 6 March, Ghanaian bloggers cannot help but express their opinions. 同时,随著愈来愈接近三月六日的50周年纪念(译注:加纳于1957建国,今年是建国50周年),可以期待会有许多庆祝活动,加纳的部落客纷纷发表意见。
- She expressed regret for any inconvenience which might possibly be caused. 她为任何可能造成的不便而深表歉意。
- I am not intended to help someone by using such an aesthetic affection , but express a faith: Another estimable life exists beyond righteousness and benefit. 我无意以审美之情为救世良策,而只是表达了一个信念:在义与利之外,还有一种更值得一过的人生。
- India expressed regret over the irresponsible remarks by a UN body about alleged human rights abuse in Jammu, India. 印度对一个联合国机构在印度查谟人权问题上的不负责言论表示失望。
- To me dreams are part of nature, which harbors no intention to deceive but expresses something as best it can. 对我来说,梦就是自然的一部分,它无意于欺骗,而是在尽力表达什么。
- When the issue is considered dispassionately, there is no cause to express regret about, or dissatisfaction with, that decision. I disagree with those negative elements of this motion. 当我们心平气和地讨论这问题,便没有理由对有关决定表示遗憾或不满。