- Hangzhou JACK Universal Joint Co., Ltd. 杭州杰克万向节有限公司。
- Remove the universal joint strap bolts at the pinion shaft yoke. 在小齿轮轴轴轭处拆卸万向节扣夹螺栓。
- Separate the rear universal joint from the transfer case yoke. 从传动箱轴轭上拆下后万向节。
- Applications in universal joint products of riveting machine. 铆接机在万向节产品上的应用。
- Align mark on front universal joint, or CV joint, to the mark on the axle pinion yoke, or flange. 将前万向节或CV万向节上的标志与车轴小齿轮轴轭或凸缘上的标志对准。
- Align mark on the rear link yoke and universal joint to the mark on the transfer case yoke. 将后连接轴轭和万向节上的标志与传动箱轴轭上的标志对准。
- Nervous Network and Diagnosis of Breakdowns in Universal Joint Axis of Small-size Roll. 神经网络与小型轧机万向接轴的故障诊断。
- Several methods of holding universal joints to yokes. 将十字节固定在轴叉上的几种办法。
- In motor vehicles a universal joint allows the driveshaft to move up and down as the vehicle passes over bumps. 在机动车辆里通用接口允许主动轴上下移动。
- The tridimensional model of trident chamfer of the special tripod universal joint was established by use of the finite element method in this paper. 利用有限元法,对特定三叉杆滑块式万向联轴器三叉槽建立了三维立体模型,并对其在转动过程中的应力变化进行了分析,得到了其应力变化曲线。
- Finally, the ternary complex is tried to use the proof of the rotation angle relation of the two transmission shaft in Hooke s universal joint. 在此过程中,提供了一种新型的推证万向节两传动轴转角关系的有效方法。
- Parts of human body were simplified as spheroid and columns;articulations were simplified as spherical hinges and universal joint. 将人体各环节简化为球体或圆柱体,将各关节太原理工大学硕士研究生毕业论文简化为球铰或万向节。
- Driving system consists of gearwheel device, universal joint couplings and synchronous belt with high driving accuracy and low mechanical consumption. 传动系统采用齿轮箱、万向轴联轴器,同步带相结合型式,传动精度高,机械损耗小。
- The device of claim 1, wherein said joint comprises one of a universal joint and a ball and cage constant velocity joint. 该设备的索赔1,其中表示,联合组成的一个普遍的联合和一个球和网箱等速万向节。
- The proteins that make up a flagellum are uncannily arranged into motor components, a universal joint and other structures like those that a human engineer might specify. 构成鞭毛的蛋白质,组合成动力模组、万向接头与其他结构,即使找个工程师来设计,大概也会如此,真是不可思议。
- The engine acts as the power unit located normally at the front of the car,followed immediately by a cluth,gear box ,propeller shaft,universal joint,differential,back axle,ect. 发动机作为动力装置通常位于在车子的前面,然后立刻由齿轮,齿轮箱、传动轴万向节、鉴别、,后车轴等。
- Theproteins that make up a flagellum are uncannily arranged into motorcomponents, a universal joint and other structures like those that ahuman engineer might specify. 构成鞭毛的蛋白质以无比精巧的方式形成马达、万向节以及工程师需要的其它零部件。
- Yulon is a common universal joint venture with Taiwan's Yulon Motor Co., the company's production and sale of Buick cars, in addition to sales of Cadillac and Opel brand cars. 裕隆通用是通用与台湾裕隆合资的汽车公司,该公司生产和销售别克品牌汽车,此外还销售凯迪拉克和欧宝品牌轿车。
- One member of GKN Group called GKN Walterscheid is the global leader in supply of universal joint drivelines, gearboxes, & clutches to the agricultural industry. 该集团成员之一,吉凯恩万特赛公司是全世界领先的农业机械万向节传动轴,齿轮减速箱和离合器的供应商。
- Universal joint for heavy truck is our dominant product, we recommend u-joint for Mercedes, Volvo, Scania and we provided you with vivid pictures for your reference. 万向节的重型卡车是我们的主导产品,我们建议U型联合奔驰,沃尔沃,斯堪尼亚,我们为您提供生动的图片供您参考。