- canaliculi communicationis [医] 交通小管
- Detail of lacuna, showing radiating canaliculi. 骨陷窝放大观察,可见放射走行的骨小管。
- Results All canaliculi breakage can be seen under the microscope. 结果54例都能在手术显微镜下成功找到泪小管断端。
- canaliculus communicationis 交通小管
- Biliary passages begin as tiny bile canaliculi formed by hepatocytes. 胆汁通道起始于由肝细胞组成的胆小管。
- CommunicationI've had a communication from the minister for the Internal Affairs. 我从内务部长那儿得到一点消息。
- Detail of Haversian system, showing the tiny, spidery canaliculi extending from one lacuna to the next. 高倍观察哈佛氏系统结构,可见如蜘蛛般结构的骨陷窝和骨小管彼此相连通。
- Lysosomes are quire abundant and active.They are usually located near bile canaliculi and Golgi complexes. 溶酶体很丰富,功能旺盛,常靠近胆小管和高尔基复合体分布。
- The graft versus host disease here is marked by yellow-brown collections of bile in the canaliculi, as well as chronic inflammatory cells within the liver parenchyma. 移植物抗宿主疾病反映的是胆小管内黄棕色的胆汁淤积,同时肝实质慢性炎细胞浸润。
- Objective To investigate the treatment method and prognosis of ruptured inferior lacrimal canaliculi anastomosis. 目的探讨下泪小管断裂吻合的方法。
- Objective: To evaluate the effect of anastomosis in lacrimal canaliculi division under operation microscope. 摘要目的:评价手术显微镜下泪小管断裂吻合术的疗效。
- The minute projections of bone cells trail into adjoining channels known as canaliculi. 骨细胞极微小的突出部分沿着小径进入相邻的通常被认为是骨小管通道。
- Objective To observe the effects of silicon tub e insertion for repair of canaliculi laceration. 目的探讨鼻内窥镜在泪小管断裂吻合术中的方法及效果。
- Remember, too, that osteocytes have processes which extend out into canaliculi in both kinds of bone. 记着:不论是密质骨还是松质骨,骨细胞均有突起深入到骨小管中。
- RESULTS:Within 29 patients suffered from lower lacrimal canaliculi laceration,the cut nasal ends of lowe... 结论:粘弹剂的应用可有效提高手术成功率,减少手术时间及瘢痕长度。
- Objective To observe the methods and effects of two lacrimal passages implantation of tube in repair of lacrimal canaliculi laceration. 目的探讨双路泪道插管法并置管固定治疗泪小管断裂的手术方法及术后效果。
- Conclusion Repair of the canaliculi laceration by using silico n tube insertion under nasoendoscope is an ideal surgical procedure. 结论鼻内窥镜下泪道插管术使泪小管吻合术的疗效更确切。
- AIM:To evaluate the clinical effect of two different filling materials on treating lacrimal canaliculi rupture:vein detained needle,silicone tube. 目的:应用静脉留置针与硅胶管应用于泪小管断裂吻合术中的临床疗效。
- Objective To compare the clinical effects of implantation of epidural tube or silicage tube in cases of traumatic lacrimal canaliculi breakage. 摘要目的比较外伤性泪小管断裂置入硬膜外麻醉管和硅胶软管后再行吻合手术的治疗效果。
- Apoptotic bodies and cellular debris were often noticed in the epithelial cells of bile canaliculi lumen and interlobular bile duct. 部分小叶间胆管上皮细胞凋亡,管腔中含凋亡小体及细胞碎片。