- The answer came to her in a flash of inspiration. 她突然来了一阵灵感,答案想出来了。
- A large portion of this money would come to her. 这笔钱的一大部分要归她所有。
- My lovely daughter came to her father for a cuddle. 我可爱的小女儿走到她父亲那,要他抱抱她。
- She used to read anything that came to her hand. 她以前一向是抓到什么书就看什么书。
- Color came to her cheek after walking. 她散完步后满面红光。
- To her surprise, Kay came to love living in Nevada. 恺喜欢住在内华达州,连她自己也感到奇怪。
- The idea came to her in a vision. 她在神示中想到了这个主意。
- She had waited for him to come to her . 她曾等着他到她那儿去。
- The child stopped crying and came to her mother. 小孩停止了哭泣,来到她妈妈跟前。
- But finally, reason came to her rescue. 最后,理智使她平静下来。
- Nobody came to her aid when she was in trouble. 她身陷困境但无人施援。
- The answer came to her in a flash. 她突然做出了答案。
- She bewailed it to everybody who came to her house. 每逢家里有客,她总是唉声叹气地抱怨。
- She came to her senses after a blood transfusion. 输血之后,他苏醒过来。
- She felt so sad that tears came to her eyes. 她非常悲伤,泪水盈眶。
- She knew that before the command came to march again she absolutely had to massage some feeling into her feet. 他知道在接到继续前进的命令之前,她必须不停地按摩,使自己的脚恢复些知觉。
- Coming to work drunk put paid to her hopes of promotion. 她上班总是醉醺醺的,把晋升的希望都失去了。
- She fell and fainted, but soon came to her senses. 她跌倒后昏过去,但不久就苏醒过来了。
- Mother let us go to the party,but when it came to stay overnight,she put her foot down firmly. 母亲允许我们去参加晚会,但要说到过夜,她可决不答应。
- Mother let us go to the party, but when it came to staying overnight, she put her foot down firmly. 母亲允许我们去参加晚会; 但要说到过夜; 她可决不答应.