- C block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand. 而最重要的,我邀请你们加入到我的工作中来。
- His hair was unkempt and frazzled, his calloused hands cut and stained. 他的头发邋遢而凌乱,他结满茧子的双手伤痕累累脏污不堪。
- The calloused hands he rested on the wire fence were cracked, and every crack was a black line. 他放在铁丝栅栏上的手打满了老茧,裂着一条条黑乎乎的口子。
- The old rake, sturdy in my calloused hands, conveyed the feel of firm earth beneath its tines. 牢牢握在我已发麻的手里的旧耙子传递着尖齿下坚实土地的感觉。
- Pungent, because this was for removing ground-in dirtoil from beneath hardened fingernailsfrom calloused hands. 刺鼻的,用这来清除掉那些附着在父亲那坚硬手上和指甲里的污垢油垢。
- Pungent , because this was for removing ground-in dirt and oil from beneath hardened fingernails and from calloused hands. 辛辣刺鼻,因为他要洗掉的是嵌在坚硬的指甲和满是老茧的手里的脏物和油污。
- Pungent, because this was for removing ground-in dirt and oil from beneath hardened fingernails and from calloused hands. 刺鼻的,因为用这来清除掉那些附着在父亲那坚硬手上和指甲里的污垢油垢。
- He was surrounded, the looming shapes of his foes bearing down upon him.His hair was unkempt and frazzled, his calloused hands cut and stained. 他已经被包围了,他敌人的影子压倒在他身上,他的头发蓬乱,显得很疲惫,他干硬的手上满是裂缝和污迹。
- And above all, I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation the only way it\'s been done in America for 221 years - block by block, brick by brick, calloused hands by calloused hands. 尤其是在我们意见相左时,更重要的是,我还要请你们加入到我们的行列里来,共同重建我们的国家。221年来,在我们美利坚合众国,我们一直都是凭着我们一双双长满老茧的手,一块砖一块砖/一片瓦一片瓦地建设着我们的国家。这是我们建设国家的唯一方式。
- And above all, I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation the only way it's been done in America for 221 years - block by block, brick by brick, calloused hands by calloused hands. 最重要的是,我会请求你们参与重建这个国家,以美国221年来从未改变的唯一方式:一砖一瓦、胼手胝足。
- And, above all, I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation, the only way it's been done in America for 221 years - block by block, brick by brick, calloused hands by calloused hands. 最重要的是,我将邀请你们一同投入到重建国家工作中,用建设美国221年的唯一的方式--一堵又一堵的墙,一块又一块的砖,一双又一双满布老茧的手。
- And above all, I will ask you to join in the workof remaking this nation the only way it's been done in America for 221 years - block byblock, brick by brick, calloused hands by calloused hands. 尤其当我们意见不一样时,我更会倾听。总而言之,我还要请你们加入到重建这个国家行列里来,重建的方式,是美国221年来,一直使用的唯一方式,那就是,用一双双长满老茧的手,一块砖一块砖地建,一片瓦一片瓦地盖。
- And above all, I will ask you join in the work of remaking this nation the only way it's been done in America for 221 years block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand. 更重要的是,我会徵求你们加入,以美国221年来唯一的方式,一砖一瓦、一点一滴,一起重建这个国家。
- And above all, I will ask you to join in the work of remarking this nation the only way it's been done in America for 221 years-block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand. 总之,我会让你们参加到建设这个国家的工作中来,用我们那长满老茧的手建造每一幢楼,铺设每一块砖瓦,就像我们美国221年一直以来的做法一样。
- And, above all, I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation, theway it's been done in America for 221 years -- block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand. 总之,我邀请你们加入到国家再建的工作之中。221年来,我们的国家就是这样一砖一瓦,一点一滴地建造起来的。
- His sooty hand smudged the paper. 他被煤烟熏污的手把纸弄脏了。
- I dry my hands and face with the towel. 我用毛巾擦干了双手和面部。
- Keep your hands off me; or I'll knock you down. 不要碰我,当心我把你打倒在地。
- The girl's hands were chapped by the cold. 那个女孩的手因寒冷而冻裂。
- The horse is a clipper. It'll win hands down. 这是一匹快马,他毫不费力就可以跑赢。