- He also created a unique calligraphy style which he called lacquer calligraphy. 他独创一种隶书体,自谓"漆书",另有意趣。
- The varied brushstroke techniques in his works enabled him to form a magnificent and bold calligraphy style, which was of a great artistic appeal. 正是这种丰富而微妙的变化,造成他雄伟飘逸姿态,磅礴放旷的气势,划沙折股的笔意,具有很强的艺术感染力。
- Liu learned from Yan Zhenqing's calligraphy style, but his brush strokes were much thinner. 柳公权出于颜体,但避开颜字的肥壮,而变为瘦硬森挺
- His family was poor when he was young, and he studied huai Su's calligraphy style. 他幼时家贫,学怀素书法获益
- Liu style is a calligraphy style represented by Liu Gongquan of the Tang dynasty. 柳体是以唐朝柳公权书法为代表的字体。
- Building on his inheritance of the li calligraphy of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhong formed his own natural and elegant calligraphy style. 他的楷书承袭了东汉隶书的遗风,八分开张,左右波挑,势巧形密,自然古雅。
- The development of kuang cao, or wild cursive calligraphy style, was another important achievement of the Tang Dynasty in calligraphy. 狂草的成就,是唐代书法高峰的另一方面的表现。
- The kaishu also is called the book, the real book, explained the kaishu is provides the human the study and the utilization regular calligraphy style. 楷书也称为正书、真书,说明了楷书是提供人学习和运用的正规书体。
- Kaishu: The kaishu is also called the book, the real book, is for the person study and the utilization regular calligraphy style. 楷 书:楷书也称为正书、真书,是供人学习和运用的正规书体。
- This thesis dissertate the origin and definition of modern calligraphy style design at first, nail down its" position and time mission. 本文先是论述现代书法字体设计的缘起与定义,明确其设计定位及所面临盼对代使命。
- At last, it dissertate the applications of Calligraphy Style Design in modern society"s different field from several level. 最后,从不同层面论述现代汉字书法字体在现代社会不同领域中的应用。
- Having observed that the prison officers' writings in the zhuan style were very complicated, he decided to simplify them and create a new calligraphy style. 他看到当时狱官的么牌用篆书写很麻烦,就作了改革,化繁为简,化圆为方,又创立一种新的字体。
- Calligraphy styles to reflect the character of a person, who is also a face. 书法风格可以反映一个人性格特点,也是一个人脸面。
- Modern Calligraphy Style Design is an idea which gestate from Modern Style Design, it belong to the category of Modern Chinese Characters" Style Design. 现代汉字书法字体设计是在现代字体设计中孕育出的一个设计概念,它属于现代汉字字体设计的范畴。
- His calligraphic style is unique. 他的书法风格很独特。
- Engraved inscription calligraphy style and content 铭文书体
- Calligraphy Style of Ming and Qing Dynasty 明清书风
- calligraphy style between north and south 南北书风
- In ancient books on calligraphy, Chinese men of letters liked to depict the various calligraphic styles as metaphors for natural scenery or phenomena. 在中国古代书论中,不论是对篆、隶、行、楷,还是对草书的论述,大多是以自然景观或某些现象作比,加以形容和描述,
- the basic character of calligraphy styles 中文字体基本属性