- In order to make use of the resource effectively and reduce castoff, the action of callback and recycle developed at several aspects, furthermore, It enters people's daily life more and more deeply. 为有效利用资源和减少废弃物,回收再利用举措在各个层面得到开展,而且已经越来越多地融入人们的生活中。
- Remember to Pack it In, Pack it Out, and recycle. 记住:带来,带走,还有循环使用。
- callback and recycle 回收与处理
- Cost control, prevent waste ensuring retrieve and recycle. 控制成本,杜绝浪费。确保物品的回收再利用。
- We should encourage reclamation and recycling. 我们应当鼓励废物的回收和利用。
- Unreacted monomer is stripped and recycled. 未反应单体经汽提后回收。
- Jiuzhaigou is equipped with environment-friendly restrooms and recycle bins. 九寨沟配备了友好环境休息室和可回收箱。
- In those days reuse and recycling were often economic necessities. 在那个年月里,物品的重新使用与回收处理经常是节省开支的必行之策。
- Collect used materials, such as paper and recycle them into new products. 收集旧的物料,例如纸张,然后把他们循环再造,制成新产品。
- They will also affect the requirement to collect and recycle packaging waste. 新法还会影响到收集和循环利用包装垃圾的要求。
- We can start by remembering the three R's: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. 译文:我们应该开始记住三个R:减少,循环利用,再利用
- In India, waste paper is collected, sorted and recycled. 在印度,把废纸收集起来加以分类,再经过制造加以利用。
- The product is nontoxic , efficient depilatory and recycled usage. 产品无毒无刺激性气味、拨毛效率高、可重复使用。
- There are three dumps and recycling centers in this town. 这个镇有三个垃圾站和回收中心。
- In that case, the current round of the economy's rate of callback and time will be long?At present, the prevalence of domestic point of view there are three: the letters that are "V", "U", "L" type. 那么,本轮经济回调的幅度和时间会有多长?目前,国内流行的观点有三:用英文字母表示分别是"V"、"U"、"L"型。
- It also makes the maximum safe use of the environment's natural capacity to absorb and recycle wastes. 这制度也尽量安全利用环境本身的吸收及循环能力来减低污染。
- No need to spend your hard-earned cash on cool antiques. Refurbish and recycle something you get for free. 不必把辛苦赚来得钱花在精致古董上,重新粉刷,回收利用免费的东西。
- To evaluate the possibility in categorizing and recycling dry and wet waste. 以协助评估乾湿废物分开处理及循环再造之可行性。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- Callback and utilization of steam condensate 烟厂蒸汽凝结水的回收与利用