- But it's way too early to call a winner in the directory standard or integrated directory match. 但现在宣布在这场目录标准或集成目录的竞赛中谁是胜利者还为时尚早。
- This creates what some disparagingly call “a winners and losers society”. 这使得被某些人斥为是“成败分明的社会”在日本出现。
- We had to call a plumber to unblock the drains. 我们得叫管道工来通一通下水道。
- Shall I call a doctor? ----Please don't bother. 要不要去请个大夫?-----请不要费事了。
- He is what you call a "walking dictionary". 他就是你所谓的“活字典”。
- The position or title of a winner. 冠军冠军的身份或头衔
- The hotel porter will call a taxi for you. 旅馆的门卫可以给你叫计程车。
- Life had cast her in the role of a winner. 生活让她扮演了一个胜利者的角色。
- If it still leaks, call a plumber. 如果它还漏,就叫水管工来修理。
- He's not afraid to call a spade a spade. 他不怕直言不讳。
- Their latest model is certain to is a winner. 他们最新型号的产品一定很成功.
- He will certainly die if you don't call a doctor. 你不请大夫来,他就得死了。
- His story should be a winner on the screen. 他的故事在荧幕上是胜利者。
- The two sides call a truce to avoid further bloodshed. 双方宣布停战以避免再有伤亡。
- Will Wireless Gaming Be a Winner? 无线游戏会成赢家吗?
- Championship n.The position or title of a winner. 冠军称号;锦标赛。
- If you picked her, she must be a winner. 要是您选上她,她就是个胜利者。
- You want to succeed, you want to be a winner? 你想要成功,想成为胜利者吗?
- He's got enough attributes to make him a winner. 他的能力足以使他成为一个胜者。
- It's extremely kind of you to offer, but I can call a taxi. 谢谢您的好意,不过我可以叫一辆出租汽车。