- None of them had a history of gallbladder disease. 他们中没有人有胆结石病历。
- The people with polypus of gallbladder for 2.22%. 胆囊息肉的检出率为2.;22%25;
- calcification of gallbladder 胆囊钙化
- Conclusion: Primary carcinosarcoma of gallbladder is a rare tumor. 结论:原发于胆囊的癌肉瘤较罕见,预后与肿瘤分期有关。
- The hardening or calcification of soft tissue into a bonelike material. 骨化柔软组织变成似骨物质的硬化或钙化过程
- Normal and abnormal ultrasonography of gallbladder, pancrease, kidney, uterus. 胆、胰、肾和子宫的正常声像图及常见疾病的声像特征;
- Objective To discuss clinical characteristics of gallbladder agenesis(GBA). 目的探讨胆囊缺如(GBA)的临床特征。
- Relationship of eye burns with calcifications of the cornea? 眼灼伤与角膜钙化的关系
- Dystrophic calcification of soft tissue or cartilage is the result of calcium deposition in damaged tissues. 通常软组织的异位性钙化是源自于组织受到外伤后,钙离子沉积造成的结果。
- The results suggest that formation and calcification of cementum is earler than formation Of alevolar bone. 结果为牙骨质的新生和钙化早于牙槽骨,牙骨质在新生钙化过程中逐渐增厚,由根方向冠方伸展。
- Conclusion Calcification of loose bodies within joint is the basis of imaging diagnosis.X-ray film is the simplest means to di agnose OS. 结论:关节游离体钙化是影像诊断本病的主要依据,普通平片是确诊本病的最简单方法。
- Coralline algae (algae that also secrete calcium carbonate and often resemble corals) contribute to the calcification of many reefs, too. 珊瑚藻是一种也会分泌碳酸钙的藻类,外表很像珊瑚,它们对许多钙化礁的形成也有贡献。
- Doctors in the third affiliated hospital perform an operation of gallbladder main duct and liver lobe. 附三医院做胆总管切除及肝叶切除手术。
- Experience of surgical management of gallbladder cancer infiltrating the hilar biliary tract. 胆囊癌合并肝门胆管侵犯的手术治疗体会。
- Clinical application of chemical ablation of gallbladder and the long - term observation of its effect. 胆囊化学灭活的临床应用和远期疗效观察。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- The mechanisms were as follows:The wall of arterioles' thicker and stenosis of arterioles lead to the worse blood supplyment of gallbladder. 胆囊血管壁明显增厚,血管腔显著狭窄,致使胆囊血供差。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- The survivors had many defects which included eczema, calcification of tissues, anatomical defects, neuroses and abnormalities in neuromuscular co-ordination. 而生还者有着很多缺点,包括湿疹,组织生灰化,解剖过失,神经肌肉的多脉和畸形。