- calcareous rock dam site 灰岩坝址
- There is a large scale of dynam-relaxed rock mass lies in Daliushu dam site. 大柳树坝址区存在大面积、大范围的岩体松动破坏现象。
- There is a large scale of dynam-relaxed rock mass lies in DaLiushu dam site of Yellow River. 大柳树坝址区存在大面积、大范围的岩体松动现象。
- There is a large scale of dynam-relaxed rock mass lies in DaLiushu dam site of Huanghe River. 黄河黑山峡大柳树坝址区存在大范围的岩体松动破坏现象,其主要特征是岩体应力释放,结构面张开,密度显著下降。
- There are two sets of vertical shearing planes and one set of relaxed fissures dipping towards the river course in the rock mass at the Xiaowan dam site. 小湾岩体存在两组垂直结构面和一组倾向河道的卸荷裂隙。
- The Shuibuya hydroelectric project will be built in gorge morphology on Qingjang River,the gravitation is key factor which decides whether the rock in dam site is stable or not. 水布垭水电枢纽拟建于清江干流深切峡谷地段,重力是决定坝址区岩体稳定与否的关键因素。
- The major engineering geological problems of US dam site of Laokou Complex include relatively soft base rock lithology,low shear strength and bearing capacity. 老口枢纽工程上坝址主要的工程地质问题为坝址基岩岩性较软,抗剪强度、承载力偏低。
- The testing results show that the foam flooding for calcareous rock reservoir can increase oil and decrease water productions. 试验结果表明:对灰岩油藏进行泡沫驱油能达到增油降水的目的。
- Abstract: The calcareous rock appearing area's oil-gas exploration belongs to the world-class difficult problem, is a complex systems engineering. 摘要:灰岩出露区的油气勘探属于世界级难题,是一个复杂的系统工程。
- Only pored dissolved holes and fractures are developed in calcareous rock reservoir, mainly in J1 Member, forming pore-fracture type of reservoir. 而灰岩类储层只发育有孔隙性溶孔(洞)和缝,主要构成裂缝-孔隙型的嘉一段储层。
- Among them, the 8 advantage minerals are coal, salt, iron, calcareous rock for cement, fire-resistant clay, limestone, flux stone and silica are abundant. 其中,优势矿产有煤、盐、铁、水泥用灰岩、耐火粘土、石灰石、熔剂灰石和硅石8种。
- According to topographical features, the valley shape, Quaternary overburden thickness, and fault rock crusher factors we can identify the downstream dam site for the proposed dam site. 根据地形地貌、河谷形态、第四系覆盖层厚度、断层因素和岩体破碎程度等综合确定宜选择下坝线为拟建坝址。
- However, because of scarcity of risk identifying and flabbiness of risk management, there often have problems in many concrete faceplate rock dam construction. 然而,由于对风险认识不足,对风险管理不力而造成堆石坝填筑施工出现问题的工程屡见不鲜。
- In designing the earth rock dam with clay core wall, the exit height of side phreatic line at the downstream of core wall is of great importance to the designers. 在粘土心墙土石坝设计中,心墙下游侧浸润线的逸出高度对设计人员来说是十分重要的,它不仅是计算心墙稳定性的重要因素,也是决定心墙下游反滤层设施高度的重要参数。
- The study result provides an important reference foundation for selecting the dam site and damline of Guandi waterpower station of Yalongjiang. 其研究成果为雅砻江官地水电站坝址及坝线的选比提供了重要参考依据。
- Rendzina A type of brown earth soil typical of humid to semi-arid grasslands over calcareous rocks. 黑色石灰土:一种褐色的土壤,其特征为潮湿的半干旱的草地上覆盖着石灰质的岩石。
- Systematic pre-study of these problems is very important for selection of dam site, lay out of engineering project, timelimit, cost and safety, etc. 系统深入地开展这些问题的研究,将对选坝、工程布置、工期、造价和施工运行安全以及岩体工程地质力学理论的发展都有十分重要的意义。
- The different structure carbonate rocks organic carbon content is difference, the overall present that the micrite > the powder crystal calcareous rock > the sparite. 区内高演化海相地区有效烃源岩岩石类型主要为泥/页岩、硅质岩、泥灰岩、生物(屑)灰岩。
- The upper reservoir overflow dam of Yangjiang pumped storage power station shows the characteristics of high waterhead,narrowing river bed in dam site and steep slope. 针对阳江抽水蓄能电站上库溢流坝具有高水头、坝址河床狭窄、坡度陡峭等特点,通过水力模型试验研究优化了溢流坝及其消能工体型,解决了溢流坝的消能问题。
- Except the method of nature electric field,we used DB-3 popular dam seepage detection device of flow field method to reconnoiter around Jiangya dam site. 在对江垭水库大坝物探勘查工作中,除运用了自然电场法等常规查漏方法外,还采用了流场法DB-3普及型堤坝渗漏检测仪进行勘查。