- I do not see the Folder List when I am in Page view. 在“网页”视图中时,看不到“文件夹列表”。
- I do not see the Navigation Pane when I'm in Page view. 在“网页”视图中时,看不到“导航窗格”。
- In Page view, click Format and then click Shared Borders. 在“网页”视图中,单击“格式”,然后单击“共享边框”。
- In Page view, click where you want to include a page. 请在“网页”视图中,单击要包含其他网页的位置。
- In Page view, open the page you want to link to the style sheet. 在“网页”视图中,打开要链接到样式表的网页。
- The ending address of the bytes in error. 出错字节的结尾地址。
- Returns the number of bytes in the input buffer. 返回输入缓冲区内的字节数。
- Function is zero-based; using it to get the first byte in a file will return 0. 函数从零开始,使用此函数获取文件中的第一个字节将返回0。
- In printing, making up in pages ornumbering pages. 在印刷技术中,按页面拼版或给页面编号的过程。
- The first record or byte in a file is at position 1, the second record or byte is at position 2, and so on. 文件中的第一个记录或字节在位置1,第二个记录或字节在位置2,依此类推。
- Gets the number of bytes in the current input stream. 获取当前输入流中的字节数。
- Every byte in memory has to have an "address" for a process to be able to locate it. 内存中的每一个字节都必须有一个“地址”,以便让进程可以找到它。
- The number of bytes in use by the JIT compiler's heap. 由JIT编译器的堆使用的字节数。
- The number of bytes in use by the garbage collector heap. 由垃圾回收器堆使用的字节数。
- There is a very big data buffer, 20M Byte in total (10M Byte per Channel), in the system, which is designed with DRAM. 系统20MByte的大容量数据缓冲区(每通道10MByte),由动态存储器(DRAM)构成。
- Skips specified number of bytes in the current ZIP entry. 跳过当前ZIP项的指定字节数。
- Class can be used in several ways in page state persistence implementations. 类在页状态保留实现中有多种用法。
- In Page view, on the File menu, point to New and then click Page or Web. 在“网页”视图中,在“文件”菜单上,指向“新建”,然后单击“网页或网站”。
- We proposed a scheme of error prevention and error correction using quantum byte controlling quantum byte in quantum logic operation. 本文提出在量子编码中用量子字节(quantum-byte)控制量子字节的设想,具体分析了字节(2位)被控编码法防止或纠正逻辑运算错误的量子线路。
- When statistical software reads a "raw" character format data file consisting of ASCII or EBCDIC characters, it must read each byte in sequence. 当统计软件读取一个以ASCII或EBCDIC为格式的原始数据文件时,必须照着顺序一个一个字节地读取。