- The mass emigration of refugees in the war was reported widely by the press. 战争中大规模的逃难移民被新闻界广泛报道。
- He is liked by the classes and the masses. 上层社会的人士和普通的民从都喜欢他。
- Government by the masses; mob rule. 由民众统治; 暴民政治
- A good deal of adult education is accomplished by the mass media. 成人教育的相当一部分是由大众传播媒介完成的。
- Through practice and by the masses. 是实践做的,群众做的。
- Why Are the Pseudo Academics Praised by the Mass Media to the Sky? 伪学术为什么会被传媒捧上天?
- Polonius: By the mass, and it is like a camel indeed. 我发誓,它确实像一峰骆驼。
- The theory can produce strong power as soon as it is grasped by the mass. 理论一旦为群众所掌握,就会产生巨大的物质力量。
- The dust shell is she condensate of the mass ejected by the central star. 尘埃壳则是中央星喷射出的物质的冷凝物。
- She's a good cadre trusted by the masses. 她是群众信赖的好干部。
- The mass emigrationof refugees in the war was reported widely by the press. 战争中大规模的逃难移民被新闻界广泛报道。
- Let's go for a picnic by the riverside. 我们到河边野餐去吧。
- Government by the masses;mob rule. 由民众统治;暴民政治
- A change in stool or bowel habits can be created by the mass effect. 包块影响的结果是大便习惯的改变。
- All this is well understood by the masses. 广大人民群众是懂得这个道理的。
- She was possessed by the desire to be rich. 她被致富的欲望所支配。
- The idea is widely propagated by the mass media and widely believed. 这个观念被大众传媒广泛地宣传,大众广泛接受。
- The city was bombarded by the enemy. 这座城市被敌人炮击了。
- Each reading by the mass spectrometer creates a kind of chemical “pixel”. 质谱仪给出的每一个分析结果形成一种化学“像素”。
- Mary was appalled by the dinginess of the house. 玛丽被那肮脏的房子吓坏了。