- Press and hold the left mouse button up, loosen the left mouse button down. 按住鼠标左键上升,松开鼠标左键下降。
- Field is used to track whether the user is holding the mouse button down. 字段用于跟踪用户是否按下了鼠标按钮。
- Mobile mouse control location, click the left mouse button down balls. 鼠标控制移动位置,点击鼠标左键放下小球。
- This a document source,which is about how to get key board button down msg. 这是一个文本资源,主要是关于如何从键盘获取按键消息的。
- She liked that dress that buttons down the back . 她喜欢从背部扣钮扣的女装。
- She liked that dress that buttons down the back. 她喜欢从背部扣钮扣的女装。
- She liked the dress that buttons down the back. 她喜欢从背部扣纽扣的女装。
- While a user holds the cursor over a target, he clicks the button down and releases it. 用户将鼠标停留在固定的位置,按下按键,然后释放。
- First, select the file you want and then, holding the middle button down, drag the file into the field. 首先选择需要的文件,然后按住鼠标中键,再将该文件拖拽到相应字段中。
- Draw on the client window by holding the left mouse button down and dragging a line. 通过按住鼠标左键并沿直线拖动,在客户端窗口中绘制线条。
- Select the Dragging checkbox to drag by tapping an item twice and dragging without holding the trackpad button down. 选择“拖移”注记格以通过轻敲某个项两次且不用按下触控板按钮来拖移它。
- Other people find this procedure difficult and prefer a way to accomplish it without having to hold the mouse button down while they drag. 另外一些人认为这个操作规程很难,他们更喜欢不需要在拖动的同时按住鼠标的操作方式。
- First, let's get the facts buttoned down, then we can plan ahead. 首先,让我们把实际情况弄清楚,然后再订计划。
- Adjust and move around the mouse position, click the left mouse button down bait, bait fish encounter on fishing issues. 鼠标左右移动调整位置,点击鼠标左键放下鱼饵,鱼饵碰到鱼就可以钓上来了。
- She had to let down the child's skirt. 她只得把孩子的裙子放长。
- Mobile mouse control, click the left mouse button down ornaments, the same three colors can be linked to the global elimination. 鼠标控制移动,点击鼠标左键放下彩球,三个同颜色的球相连即可消去。
- First let's get the facts buttoned down,then we can plan ahead. 让我们先把情况弄清楚,然后再订计划。
- This dress buttons down the front,but that one down the back. 这件衣服的钮扣是扣在前面的,但那一件是扣后面。
- If her Roller skates lacked explanation, his tuxedo button down, ruffles and all, buried beneath a red blazer with black embroidery, defied logic. 记者调查发现,目前在哈市,还有很多司机由于空跑和长时间等待而不愿意参与这项服务,而一些叫车的乘客也由于干等车不来等因素对这项服务并不买账。