- But she wants to learn butterfly stroke. 可她想学蝶泳。
- What are the elements of the butterfly stroke? 蝶泳的泳姿动作要领是什么?
- She'll swim the races of breaststroke and butterfly stroke. 她将参加蛙泳和蝶泳的比赛。
- The butterfly stroke had not accepted as a formal event until 1958. 蝶泳被列入正式比赛项目是在1958年。
- I am very good at swimming, for I can do butterfly stroke and backstroke. 而且,我认为我游泳还是不错的。而且能有的很好。我会蝶泳,仰泳。
- The butterfly stroke evolved from experiments with the breaststroke. 蝶式泳姿是由蛙式技术中派生出来的。
- Everybody, even the youngest children, can learn the dolphin type kicking action of the butterfly stroke. 每个人,甚至很小的小孩都可以学习蝶泳中的海豚式打腿。
- And swim in all sorts of postural in, breaststroke and butterfly stroke can make a female be benefited more. 而在各种姿势的游泳中,蛙泳和蝶泳会令女性受益更多。
- Athletics swimming divides into the breaststroke, to crawl, the backstroke, the butterfly stroke. 竞技游泳分为蛙泳、爬泳、仰泳、蝶泳。
- Drop by for larger Haiya Park for the sale of eight units for a staircase tower households even in butterfly stroke, the initial fine sales, Dikaigaozou. 下降幅度较大的为中海雅园,因所售单元为一梯8户的蝶式塔楼,并处销售初期,低开高走。
- women rs 100m butterfly stroke swimming 女子100米蝶泳
- At present Philps is the male 200 meters butterfly strokes, 200 meter and 400 meter medley relay three project world record holders. 目前菲尔普斯是男子200米蝶泳、200米和400米混合泳三个项目的世界纪录保持者。
- breast stroke, back stroke, butterfly stroke, and free stroke. 蛙泳、仰泳、蝶泳以及自由泳。
- A butterfly must not be confused with a moth. 不得将蝴蝶和飞蛾混同起来。
- The lazy boy has not done a stroke of work all day. 这懒小子一整天一点事都没干。
- I think this worm is a larva of a butterfly. 我觉得这虫子是蝴蝶的幼虫。
- I am enraptured with the stroke of good fortune. 我由于这一次的幸运而狂喜。
- It was a stroke of luck that I found you here. 我在这里碰见你真是运气。
- A caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly. 毛虫是蝴蝶的幼体。
- A caterpillar must pass through the cocoon stage to become a butterfly. 毛毛虫必须经过茧的阶段才能变成蝴蝶。