- A butterfly must not be confused with a moth. 不得将蝴蝶和飞蛾混同起来。
- I think this worm is a larva of a butterfly. 我觉得这虫子是蝴蝶的幼虫。
- Food processor is useful aids in prepare food. 食品加工机是制作食品时颇为实用的辅助机械。
- A caterpillar is the larva of a butterfly. 毛虫是蝴蝶的幼体。
- A caterpillar must pass through the cocoon stage to become a butterfly. 毛毛虫必须经过茧的阶段才能变成蝴蝶。
- A food processor comes in handy. 食品加工处理机用来十分便利
- His hobby is collecting butterfly specimens. 他的业余爱好是采集蝴蝶标本。
- Take not a musket to kill a butterfly. [谚]小题大做; 杀鸡焉用牛刀。
- A stroke of a key, as on a word processor. 按键(如在文字处理机上)按一下键
- Put the food processor together. 把食品处理器组装起来
- He tried in vain to catch the butterfly on the flower. 他白费力气想抓住停在花上的蝴蝶。
- The ugly caterpillar will change into a beautiful butterfly. 丑陋的毛虫会变成美丽的蝴蝶。
- An address that usually tells a processor to use a service routine. 一种地址,它通常指示处理机去执行一个服务例行程序。
- butterfly processor 蝶式处理机
- A butterfly is flying up and down among the flowers. 有一只蝴蝶正在花丛里忽上忽下地飞着。
- I can use a word processor but I don't understand its operation. 我能使用文字处理机,但不了解其运转机制。
- I don't like this young woman; she seems a social butterfly. 我不喜欢这个年轻女子,她象个交际花。
- The food processor can shred all kinds of vegetables. 这架食品加工机可将各种蔬菜切丝切条。
- A close examination of the butterfly showed that it had four wings. 仔细察看蝴蝶发现它有两对翅膀。
- This species of butterfly is widely distributed over our country. 这种蝴蝶在我国分布很广。