- but Brian enjoys that work. 但布莱恩喜欢这项工作。
- By anybody's standards that work of art is A-1. 那件艺术品按任何人的标准都是第一流的。
- My children think that work is a dirty word! 我的孩子都觉得工作顶讨厌!
- She's knocking herself out with all that work. 她做的工作把她累得筋疲力尽。
- All the students that work hard can definitely pass the exam. 用功的学生必能通过考试。
- But who knows whether that work may not be executed yet? 可是谁能说那本著作就一定写不成呢?
- Brian's bride bakes buns, but Brian buys baked bread by Brad's bride. 布莱恩的新娘烘小面包,但是布莱恩买了布莱德新娘烘的面包。
- Brian's bride bakes buns, but Brian buys baked bread by Black's bride. 布莱恩的新娘常烤面包,但布莱恩却买了布莱克的新娘烤的面包。
- He will do well in that work because he has a lot on the ball. 他是会做好那件工作的,因为他很有才干。
- We thought her diminutive figure could not suffer that work. 我们认为她那小小的身材不能忍受那项工作。
- He enjoys that double-edged accolade of being a "friend of China". 福田很享受作为"中国人的朋友"而获得的双方的赞誉。
- I don't know who did it, but Brian was the one who looked sheepish when I accused him. 我不知道是谁干了这件事,但当我指控布赖恩时,他看上去像是做了错事似的。
- That work will take a lot of doing. 这件事是不容易做好的。
- I do not know who did it,but Brian was the one who looked sheepish when I accused him. 我不知道是谁干了这件事,但当我指控布赖恩时,他看上去像是做了错事似的。
- Must you complete that work this evening? 你必须今晚完成那项工作吗?
- I don't know who did it,but Brian was the one who looked sheepish when I accused him. 我不知道是谁做的这件事,但当我指控布赖恩时他看上去像是做了错事似的。
- I am shagged out after all that work. 干了那么些工作以后我累极了。
- But Brian's gift, an original and very valuable comic book, overshadows David's gift, a beautiful engraved watch. 但是布赖恩的礼物,一本价值非凡的首期的漫画书,让大卫的礼物,一块雕刻精美的手表,暗淡无光。
- True. But Brian's ad made me laugh. He is such a funny guy, and humor is very important to me. 是的,但是布莱恩的回答使我大笑,他是一个非常有趣的人,幽默是非常重要的对我来说,
- Well,I shall say that work is exhausting. 噢,我得说那工作叫人精疲力竭。