- Habitat paradise, business park, and the future of Qiantu are immeasurable. 人居天堂,创业乐园,前途和钱途都是不可估量的。
- Stage 1 of the study,which examines the need for a business park in Hong Kong,was completed in July. 研究的第一阶段旨在找出香港是否需要商业园,有关研究已于七月完成。
- The Government has commissioned a Hong Kong Business Park Study to examine the need for setting up a business park in Hong Kong. 政府委托顾问公司进行香港商业园研究,以探讨是否有需要在香港兴建商业园。
- The chosen spot this year was La Defense, a modernist business park on the west edge of Paris. 今年的活动在位于巴黎西端的拉德芳斯现代商业区举行。
- Stage 1 of the study, which examines the need for a business park in Hong Kong, was completed in July. 研究的第一阶段旨在找出香港是否需要商业园,有关研究已于七月完成。
- In the middle of a scrubby business park on the outskirts of Dublin, a hulking grey building has recently sprung up. 在都柏林郊外一片灌木丛生的商业园区中央,一座庞大的灰色建筑最近拔地而起。
- The picture shows Huawei (Bulgaria) office building in the Business Park of Sofia. 图为华为(保加利亚)公司在索非亚商业园区的办公楼。
- The Government considers that the Stage 1 Study has not been able to establish a case for setting up a specific property product in the form of a business park in Hong Kong. 政府认为第一阶段的研究结果未能证明有需要特别以商业园形式在香港提供新的物业产品。
- The UK project, being developed on the former Shell Haven oil refinery site in the Thames Estuary includes a business park. 英国的项目,正在开发的前壳港炼油厂的网站在泰晤士河口包括一个商业园。
- The Doubletree by Hilton at the Huaqiao International Business Park in Kunshan will represent the second hotel opening by the brand in China this year. 昆山花桥希尔顿逸林酒店是希尔顿逸林今年在中国建造的第二家酒店。
- The little business Parker had started soon peaked out. 帕克创办的那个小企业不久就衰落了。
- In Zhongguancun Overseas business park, a good many of the incubation companies to move their manufacturing base to the suburbs. 在中关村海外留学人员创业园,许多被孵化好了的公司把生产基地搬到了郊区。
- Canada geese come in for a landing to join hundreds of their kind already feeding and floating on a thawing wet land west of the Burnt Lake Business Park recently. 最近进来的加拿大雁鹅着陆加入他们同类的一起喂养和其他数百已经停留在融化的燃烧湖商业园西浮湿地一起。
- New customer experience base of about 488 square metres, the shuangzi Business Park, located in Manchester and Liverpool's run through the M62 motorway exit No. 8. 新的客户体验基地占地约488平方米,紧邻双子商务园区,坐落于贯穿曼彻斯特和利物浦的M62高速公路的8号出口。
- The firm will go under unless business improves. 生意若无起色,公司非垮不可。
- Goh Chye Boon, chief of the joint venture running the business park at Tianjin Eco-City, said his project had learned from Dongtan that it was better not to reach immediately for the skies. 吴才文,天津生态城中商业园区的董事长说他的项目已经从东滩吸取教训,不能一步登天:“我们希望有一天能建成像东滩一样的地方。
- The business is owned by two partners. 这家商行为两名合伙人所拥有。
- Located near other business parks and 4 Car dealerships in warm and friendly Rancho Santa Margarita. 附近也有其他商业区和四个汽车经销商,全部都在热情又亲切的圣玛格丽塔市内。
- The hotel is located on Weybridge’s High Street and most of the area’s business parks are just a short drive away. 舒适的住宿、便利的地点以及良好的交通设施令酒店成为商务客人和休闲旅客的理想下榻之地。
- Moving house is a vexatious business. 搬家是件麻烦的事情。