- Survey and identification of mosaic virus on white burley tobacco in Hubei. 湖北省白肋烟病毒病调查及其鉴定。
- Changes of aroma components in burley tobacco during aging were studied. 对醇化过程中白肋烟香味成分含量的变化进行了研究。
- A full-scale biofiltration system was installed for off-gas treatment of a burley tobacco processing plant. 一套大型生物过滤系统被用于白肋烟加工车间的尾气处理。
- In the years following the buyout, demand was greater than supply for burley tobacco. 在买断以后的岁月里,白肋烟的需求远大于供应。
- So the quality of the burley tobacco leaf which had been used in many enterprises were not up to the satisfied point. 湖北鄂西地区白肋烟品质较好,在国内有很明显的优势,大力发展混合型卷烟具有明显的原料优势和较大的现实意义。
- The variations of leaf tissue structure in the air-curing process of burley tobacco were studied. 木文对白肋烟晾制过程中叶片组织结构变化进行了研究。
- Long handle tri-chomes were the principal type on the leaf surface of burley tobacco. 长柄腺毛是白肋烟叶片上腺毛的主要类型。
- Follow-up sales are now being conducted at designated points on Tuesdays and Thursdays, until all the burley tobacco has been sold. 而随后的销售现在是于星期二和星期四在指定地点进行,直到所有的白肋烟售完为止。
- Savanna Tobacco (Pvt) Ltd, Gold Driven Investments and Export Leaf Tobacco (Pvt) Ltd are this season's authorised burley tobacco contractors. 大草原烟草公司、黄金驱动投资公司和出口烟叶烟草公司是本销售季节获得授权的白肋烟合同商。
- Burley tobacco is a lower-grade variety of the leaf used to fill cigarettes flavored with higher-grade flue-cured tobacco. 白肋烟是一种低等级的烟叶品种,用于与高等级的烤烟味道相混合来制造卷烟。
- Abstract : A Reversed-Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatographic method was developed for determining free Amino Acids in Burley Tobacco. 摘要 : 建立了一种用于烟草中游离氨基酸测定的反相高效液相色谱法。
- Some basic compounds in domestic burley tobacco, such as pyridines, pyrazines, and other alkaloid compounds, were lower than those in Brazil and Zimbabwe tobacco leaves. 国产白肋烟的中性香味成分总量 (不计新植二烯 )高于津巴布韦和巴西白肋烟 ,略低于马拉维白肋烟 ;
- The density of glandular trichomes differed obviously between 6 burley tobacco varieties.The trichome density on the upper leaves was higher than that on the middle leaves. 不同品种间腺毛密度差异明显,不同部位腺毛密度表现为上部叶>中部叶。
- The change of the shape and glandular trichome density on the leaves in mature period was studied using 6 different genotypes of burley tobacco as materials. 摘要以6个白肋烟品种为材料,对烟叶成熟过程中叶面腺毛形态和密度的变化规律进行了跟踪研究。
- Blended with sweet processed Black Cavendish and mild Burley tobaccos. 混合加工黑甜卡文迪西和温和的芭里烟草。
- From great to little followed : Nicotiana rustica L.> original cultivar> Oriental tobacco> Flue cured tobacco> Local air sun cured tobacco> Maryland tobacco> Burley tobacco Hearty shape leaf tobacco>. 种子千粒重排序为 :黄花烟 >原始种 >香料烟 >烤烟 >晒晾烟 >马里兰烟 >白肋烟 >心叶烟。
- The recently released U.S.Department of Agriculture Prospective Plantings report showed no change in burley tobacco acreage this year in Kentucky and a 1 percent decline in acreage nationally. 最近发布的美国农业部作物预期报告显示,今年肯塔基州烟草种植面积没有变化,全国的种植面积下降了1%25。
- Malawi, Africa's biggest producer of burley tobacco, earned 70 percent less from sales of the leaf in the first two weeks of this year's auctions, the Tobacco Association of Malawi said. 烟草在线据彭博新闻报道编译 马拉维烟草协会说,非洲最大的白肋烟生产国马拉维在今年拍卖季的前两周烟叶销售收入减少了70%25。
- A quality blend of fine Burley tobaccos - Cavendish processed for extra mildness. 优质白肋烟混合烟草,温和的卡文迪什处理。
- The aroma and flavor constituents of 10 domestic and 9 foreign burley tobaccos were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively by GC/MS and cGC. 采用色质联用 (GC/MS)技术和毛细管气相色谱 (CGC)对 10种国内白肋烟和 9种进口白肋烟的香味成分进行了定性定量分析。