- He put all his redundancy money into a shop. 他把所有剩余资金都投入了一家商店。
- I saw the same shoes in a shop last week. 我上星期在一家商店看到了同一式样的鞋。
- He invest all his money in a shop. 他将所有的钱投资于商店。
- He recommend a shop in the high street for shoes. 他推荐去大马路的一家商店买鞋。
- We got it at a shop in William Highroad. 我们在威廉公路上的一家店里买到了它。
- Keeping a shop in this village is not a pay proposition. 在这个村子里开设商店是一桩亏本的买卖。
- He be let out on parole and immediately burgle a house . 他在被有条件释放后很快就破门盗窃了一家住宅。
- The bus went out of control and ran into a shop front. 那公共汽车失去控制,撞到了一家商店的门脸。
- She started life as a shop assistant and now she has her own boutique. 她是从当一名营业员开始谋生的,现在她已拥有一家妇女时装用品的小商店了。
- He scouted around for a shop that was open late. 他到处寻找一家深夜尚未关门的商店。
- I saw a lovely dress in a shop today and decided to buy it there and then. 今天我在商店看到一条非常漂亮的裙子,当即就决定买下。
- burgle a shop 盗窃一家商店
- That's not a shop I patronize nowadays. 我现在不常去那家商店买东西了。
- He helped his father run a shop in Shanghai. 他协助父亲在上海经营一家商店。
- He recommended a shop in the high street for shoes. 他推荐去大马路的一家商店买鞋。
- A shopping cart, especially for groceries. 运货车,尤指为杂货店运货的车
- He scouted about for a shop that sold milk. 他到处寻找一家卖牛奶的商店。
- I don't own my video. I rent it from a shop. 我没有录像机,我是从商店里租来的。
- It's easy to open a shop but hard to keep it open. 创业容易守业难。
- A man walks into a shop and sees a cute little dog. 一个人走进一家商店看见一只聪明伶俐的小狗。