- burette viscometer 滴定管粘度计
- An amylograph is a rotational torsion viscometer. 淀粉糊粘度图示仪是一种旋转的扭转粘度计。
- Viscometer, to measure the viscocity of liquids. 粘度计,应该很多厂家有啊。
- The pressure over the sample can then be increased via a gas burette. 借助量气管可增加样品上的压力。
- This Stormer Viscometer is controlled by microcomputer. 本仪器由微电脑控制。
- Open the burette cock and allow the water to return to the level bottle. 打开滴管龙头,使水流到水平瓶。
- Another method used is measurement as the viscometer pushes against the sample. 另一种方式是,在粘度计对样品进行推挤时测量。
- Note: The burette is very fragile and may break if it comes in contact with an object while shaking the instrument. 注意:滴管非常容易碎,如果仪器摇动时碰到其他物体可能碰碎它。
- Open the Whitey valve (5056) and allow gas to flow into the burette, reducing the gauge pressure to 5 psi or less. 打开白色阀门(5056) 允许气体流进滴管,减少压力表到5 psi或者更少。
- The a lkaline burette was good, and I could controlled the ending as I wished. the result can satify me, too. 随便买了本4级英语的词汇,实在太多了,没有心情看,反正都差不多,都是那么难看。
- To determine potassium iodate in edible salt, the specification of home-made capillary burette is 0. 用该法测定食盐中的碘酸钾,当毛细滴管规格为0。
- Method for Basic Calibration of Master Viscometer and Viscosity Oil Standards (05. 标准粘度计的基本校准方法和粘性油标准(05。
- Test Method for Apparent Viscosity of Plastisols and Organosols at High Shear Rates by Extrusion Viscometer (08. 用挤压粘度计测定高剪切率下塑料溶胶和有机溶胶的表观粘度的试验方法(08。
- Using a calibrated burette to add the titrant, it is possible to determine the exact amount that has been consumed when the endpoint is reached. 用经过校正的滴定管加入滴定液,就有可能测定到达终点时滴定液的确切消耗量。
- We have developed a contour rotary viscometer to investigate steady apparent viscosity of hypereutectic ZL117 alloy. 通过自制的双筒旋转粘度计对过共晶ZL117合金的表观粘度进行了研究。
- Design a high temperature molten metal viscometer based on oscillating-cup method. 基于振荡杯法设计了一台高温液态金属粘度计。
- The capillary burette micro titration in counting drops is employed to determine iodine ions in the mixed halide solution. 采用毛细滴管数滴微型滴定法测定混合卤化物中的碘离子。
- Test on distilled water and blood was performed with this viscometer to verify the measured data. 用该粘度计对水和人体血液的测量数据进行验证。
- The shaking of the instrument allows for more build up of gas in the test container and for the next release of gas into the burette. 摇动仪器可以使更多的气体进入测试容器,下次气体的释放进入滴管。
- The rhcological properties of the composite propellant slurry were studied employing a HAAKE rotational viscometer. 采用HAAKE旋转粘度计研究了推进剂药浆的流变特性。