- bureaucratic and party elites 官僚和党派上层人物
- A maze of bureaucratic and legalistic complexities. 官僚主义与墨守成规混杂成一团糟
- In a contract there is always party A and party B. 在合同中总是会出现甲乙双方。
- The modern Plato has an unbounded contempt for politicians and statesmen and party leaders who are not university men. 现代的“柏拉图”对那些不是大学毕业的政客、政治家和党派领导人轻蔑到无以复加的程度。
- He runs a restaurant and also cater for wedding and parties. 他经营饭店,还承办婚礼和宴会酒席。
- The modern Plato has an unbounded contempt for politicians and statesmen and party leaders. 现代的“柏拉图”对那些政客、政治家和党派领导人轻蔑到无以复加的程度。
- He runs a restaurant and also caters for weddings and parties. 他经营饭店,还承办婚礼和宴会酒席。
- Party A and Party B will jointly decide the evaluation criteria. 甲方和乙方共同制定评选标准。
- The fund would be independent of bureaucratic and political meddling. 这项基金将免受来自官僚政府的行政干预。
- And party activists are considering ways of deselecting other greedy MPs. 而政党激进分子在考虑如何撤除对其他贪婪议员们的支持。
- Our hotel also caters for weddings and parties. 本饭店也承办婚礼、宴会。
- Oktoberfest in Munich! Time for beers and parties! 慕尼黑啤酒节(十月庆典)!
- Yet a small number of comrades take a bureaucratic, apathetic attitude towards these problems and put off taking any action.And a handful, violating law and Party discipline, have gone so far as to retaliate against people who come with grievances. 但是,我们有少数同志对于这些应该而又能够解决的问题,却采取官僚主义态度,漠不关心,久拖不决,个别人甚至违法乱纪,搞打击报复。
- The company's top executives all are refugees from the country's bureaucratic and underfinanced state research sector. 该公司的高阶经理人员都来自该国的国家研究机构,这些机构不仅充满官僚气息,且研究经费不足,他们很难在那里待下去。
- Or we could accept this ghastly proposal, which is clumsy, secretive, centralized, bureaucratic and divisive. That is how I regard the Treaty of Rome. 除此之外,只能接受一个拙劣含混、过于集权化和程式化、而且将招致分裂的提案,我认为罗马条约就是如此。
- Yet a small number of comrades take a bureaucratic,apathetic attitude towards these problems and put off taking any action.And a handful,violating law and Party discipline,have gone so far as to retaliate against people who come with grievances. 但是,我们有少数同志对于这些应该而又能够解决的问题,却采取官僚主义态度,漠不关心,久拖不决,个别人甚至违法乱纪,搞打击报复。
- Instead we hung up decorations and partied alone in Andy's room. 我们便在安迪的房间里挂上圣诞饰物独自开起了派对。
- The company''s top executives all are refugees from the country''s bureaucratic and underfinanced state research sector. 该公司的高层管理人员都来自该国的国家研究机构,这些机构不仅充满官僚主义主义气息,而且研究经费不足,他们很难在那里呆下去。
- He has a small hotel and also caters for weddings and parties . 他开了一家小旅馆并为结婚及聚会承办酒席。
- It is a mix of jostling bureaucratic and economic interests which push officials sometimes towards thuggery and sometimes towards greater tolerance. 一边是蹒跚的官僚政治,一边是对经济的兴趣,这让官员们有时倾向于扼杀,有时又倾向于更大的容忍。