- The sparrow is sorry for the peacock at the burden of its tail. 麻雀看见孔雀负担着它的翎尾,替它担忧。
- The burden of organizing the campaign fell to me. 组织这次活动的责任落到了我头上。
- The secretary took on the burden of his work. 秘书承接了他工作的重担。
- A burden of one's own choice is not felt. 自愿挑担不嫌重; 自己的孩子背着不嫌沉。
- There is a statutory period of probation of thirteen weeks. 有13周的法定试用期。
- A burden of one's choice is not felt. 爱挑的担子不嫌重。
- The burden of wickedness was transferred to Europe. 邪恶已转嫁给欧洲。
- The burden of guilt have is lift from my shoulders. 我已卸下了负疚的重担。
- She was broken under the burden of sorrow. 她被忧愁压迫得崩溃。
- burden of probation 缓刑负担
- The second question is that of the burden of proof. 第二个问题是举证责任的问题。
- The burden of his argument was that... 他论证的要点是....
- The burden of proof devolved upon the defendant. 证明的重担便落到了被告头。
- To bear the burden of a heavy heart. 双膝仿佛负担不了沉重的心房;
- After a period of probation he was appointed to the staff. 试用一段时间以后,他被聘为正式职员。
- There is a statutory period of probation of thirteen weeks . 有13周的法定试用期。
- Burden of proof in civil proceedings II. 民事证明责任研究2。
- We will accept you for a three months' period of probation. 我们将先接受你三个月的试用期。
- And a burden of snow on our bows and our swords. 大雪满弓刀。
- We will accept you for a three months'period of probation. 我们将先接受你三个月的试用期。