- Bunch together and you'll keep warm. 你们靠在一起就会暖和些的。
- The monkeys bunched together up in their cage. 猴子们齐刷刷地都抓着笼子顶部的铁丝网聚在了一起。
- We are all bunched together in the crowded elevator. 在拥挤的电梯里我们聚拢在一起。
- The explosions also caused a fair deal of area of effect damage, making them ideal for wiping out packs of jittery fallen or skeletons or whatever other kinds of beasts decided to bunch together. 爆炸同样会带来相合的环境破坏,可以很好的杀死那些大量的扎堆的疯癫沉沦魔或者骷髅或者别的什么畜生。
- The sheep bunched together as soon as they saw the dog. 那些绵羊一见到狗就挤作一团。
- The frighened children bunched together in the corner of the classroom. 这些受惊的孩子们在教室的角落聚成一团。
- He cut off a bunch of grapes to entertain us. 他剪下一串葡萄招待我们。
- If the meteoroids are bunched together, the number of meteors seen varies from year to year. 如果流星体聚集在一起,则每年看到的流星数都不一样。
- When the clothes are spread out, they dry more rapidly than when they bunched together. 衣服铺开时比绑在一起时干得快。
- He gave a bunch of flowers to his girlfriend. 他送给女友一束花。
- After the game the students bunched together and made a cheer for their victorious team. 赛后学生挤成一堆为他们得胜的球队欢呼。
- The cavern was as big as two or three rooms bunched together, and Jim could stand up straight in it. 山洞里边有两三间房子合起来那么大,杰姆能直起了身子走动。
- Let me get my bits and pieces together. 让我把我的零碎东西收拾起来。
- Your friends are all just a bunch of nobodies. 你的朋友都不过是无名之辈。
- Big changes often come bunched together, so that when good things are happening it is important to maintain the trend. 像中国这样的经济体的爆发式发展,使得全球能源和食物的增长速度远远不能满足其需求。
- He goes round with a bunch of thugs. 他经常和一帮流氓厮混。
- He presented her with a bunch of flowers. 他献给她一束花。
- Mansions and skyscrapers bunched together in splotches, like something with a fever. 大楼和摩天大楼聚集在一起的斑点,与发烧友们喜欢一些一样地东西。
- I bought a large bunch of radishes. 我买了一大捆萝卜。
- I received a bunch of flowers this morning. 今天早晨我收到一束花。