- The mould is processing by the Filament cut off Machine. 线切割加工模具对焊设备。
- A chunk of the cliff had cracked off in a storm. 山崖上的一块石头在暴风雨中崩塌下来。
- We also offer machine tool reconditioning services. 我们还提供机床翻新服务。
- QD Manual cutting off machine is a potable plate-cutting machine, fit in cutting at spot. QD机为轻便型剪板机,适应现场灵活剪板。
- The marchers jumped off at the crack of dawn. 行军队伍在破晓时出发了。
- Company to introduce the most advanced equipment - Japanese Komori Super Lithrone quarto four-color printing machine, Heidelberg, Germany CP2000 four-color printing off Machine. 公司引进最先进的设备-日本小森超级丽色龙四开四色印刷机、德国海德堡CP2000四色对开印刷机。
- He fell neck and crop off the horse. 他从马上倒栽葱地摔了下来。
- You'll break your neck if you fall off the roof. 你要是从屋顶上跌下来会摔死的。
- bulb neck splicing machine 管颈连接机
- The thug grappled him around the neck. 那个歹徒抓住了他的脖子。
- The excrescent indicator is bright, output 1.May be lead to flow a protection, please turn off machine, needing an excrescent indicator to destroy to re- switch on again can recover normally. 异常指示灯亮,无输出 1. 可能是过流保护,请关掉机器,待异常指示灯灭掉再重新开机可恢复正常。
- bulb neck crack-off machine 灯泡壳颈切割机
- A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 小小的裂痕减损那个花瓶的价值。
- The light bulb in the kitchen burnt out. 厨房里的电灯泡烧坏了。
- Process of waste gas scrubber is introduced, tar paint cracking off on inner walls of the concreted scrubber and corrosion are analyzed. 介绍了废气洗涤塔的工艺,分析了混凝土结构洗涤塔内壁沥青涂层脱落及介质的腐蚀情况,采用环氧、氯磺化聚乙烯涂料防腐获得了良好的效果。
- He bit off a large piece of the apple. 他咬下一大块苹果。
- This type of bulb screws into the socket. 这种灯是拧到灯座上的。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- The front cover of the novel has been torn off. 这本小说的封面已被撕掉。
- She has a gold chain about her neck. 她在脖子的周围挂着一根金项链。