- In this article,the author introduces the development of the building reliability appraisal first,and then explains the key points of the reliability appraisal about historically peccant building. 受维修改造需求的驱动和现代技术的发展,已有建筑结构的可靠性鉴定与加固改造技术作为一门新的学科正在逐渐形成并迅速发展。
- building reliability appraisal 建筑物可靠性鉴定
- Aiming at the dynamic reliability appraisal, the dynamic load subjected to the bridge crane in a workhouse is studied. 摘要本文针对某工程结构可靠性鉴定工作,研究桥式吊车使用中对厂房的荷载作用;
- It shows that the experiment and analysis are of practical value to making load design code, crane design, and construction reliability appraisal. 本文介绍的实验技术和分析方法,对于地震区复杂结构可靠性鉴定和制定荷载设计标准都有实用价值。
- Finally, the deducing results are applied to reliability appraisal of a real project;then, this appraisal conclusion is compared with that in term of the extant load code. 将推导结果应用于实际工程的可靠性鉴定中,并将该鉴定结论与按照现行荷载标准取值的鉴定结论进行对比分析。
- Based on the test for reliability appraisal, the hierarchical Bayesian method is used to decide the prior distribution of the reliability indices, so that a new Beyesian sampling scheme is got for success or failure mould product in the acceptance test. 在可靠性定型试验的基础上;利用多层贝叶斯方法确定批产品可靠性指标的先验分布;从而制定出成败型产品可靠性验收试验的一种贝叶斯方案.
- The subordinating function and classification judgment of buildings are the premise and basis for the fuzzy judgment of building reliability. 摘要建筑物可靠性等级隶属度与评价因素权重的合理确定,是模糊综合评判的前提与基础。
- reliability appraisal of existing buildings 结构可靠性评估
- Of this series on transactions, we covered the basics of what transactions are and why they are critical to building reliable distributed applications. 我们讲述了一些基础知识,包括什么是事务,以及事务对于构建可靠的分布式应用程序来说至关重要的原因。
- Responsible to build reliable sales budget and manage the whole sales team to ensure realization of this budget, sales objective and profit objective. 制定并带领销售部人员完成年度销售计划指标,并对销售业绩进行分析,保证该预算,销售目标和利润目标的实现。
- Emergency Reliability Appraisal on Reinforcing Bar through Cracks 由构件裂缝对钢筋砼结构作应急可靠性鉴定
- He subdivided the farm into building lots. 他把农地再分为若干块的建筑用地。
- Team Edition for Developers provides code quality and performance tools that enable teams to build reliable, mission-critical services and applications. Team Edition for Developers提供代码质量和性能工具,使团队可以生成可靠的、任务关键的服务和应用程序。
- We can build reliable chatroom, BBS through campus network, and input lots of materials of pictures, videos, and audios in the host computer for teachers and students. 在校园网上建有比较可靠的聊天室、讨论版,同时在校园网主机里储存大量的图片、视频、音频素材,可供教师、学生使用。
- The police found the wandering boy in a deserted building. 警察在一栋废弃的楼里找到了这个流浪的男孩。
- Building a BP model by MATLAB to estimate flood damage grade which has complicated uncertain relation between flood damage appraised index,the model has been proved as one kind of fleetness,reliable appraise method by example. 针对洪水灾情评价指标与洪水灾害灾情等级之间的复杂的、不确定的关系,建立了适于洪水灾害灾情等级评价的BP神经网络模型,运用MATLAB来快速估算洪水灾害灾情的等级。 经实例验证,该方法为一种快速、可靠的灾情评价方法。
- The building fell with a crash as loud as thunder. 建筑物轰隆一声倒塌了,声如雷鸣。
- Police sealed off all the exits from the building. 警方把建筑物的所有出口都封锁住了。
- I know all the ins and outs of our school building. 我知道我们教学大楼的一切情况。