- Why occurs tendency of building energy saving around the world? 为什么世界上出现建筑节能的大潮流?
- Yizhang County is a microcosm of a building energy conservation. 这是宜章县推进抓好建筑节能的一个缩影。
- Reduce energy consumption, building energy conservation to bear the brunt. 降低能源的消耗,建筑节能首当其冲。
- Land for building energy,communications and water conservancy and other infrastructure projects supported by the State. 国家重点扶持的能源、交通、水利等基础设施用地。
- Key measure is building energy efficiency label and rating system, driven by market. 关键的激励措施是建筑能效标识制度,依靠市场驱动。
- Such new green building material of lwa is feasible for promotion in view of Building energy conservation. 亦证明利用水库淤泥制造之轻质骨材混凝土符合资源永续及绿色家园的国家政策,为一项突破性的绿色建材。
- Enumerates some phenomena of the design mechanism unaccommodated to building energy efficiency in China. 摘要列举了我国设计机制不适应建筑节能需求的现象。
- G.T.Levermore, Building Energy Management Systems, An application to heating and control, E &FN spon, 1992. 汪善国,新风量、新风和新回风系统及控制,暖通空调,1997年1月。
- There are some specious concepts in analysis on status of building energy efficiency. 在对建筑节能现状的分析中有一些模糊概念。
- Involve the building energy saving rate into the system of green GDP indicators for the rating of government officials'performance. 将建筑节能率列入对地方政府领导政绩考核的绿色GDP指标体系中。
- More attention will be paid to energy conservation regarding heat supply system reform and promotion of building energy conservation. 积极开展节能工作,推进供热体制改革,加强建筑节能。
- Land for building energy, communications and water conservancy and other infrastructure projects supported by the State. 国家重点扶持的能源、交通、水利等基础设施用地;
- Study on sun-shading system is not only the result of developing of building function, but also the main measure of saving building energy. 研究遮阳系统不仅是建筑功能发展的需要,也是节约建筑能耗的主要举措,更是表达建筑自身地域性文化性的手段。
- Building wall load calculation is the basis for building energy system design and for building energy consumption analysis and energy management. 建筑墙体负荷计算是建筑能源系统设计的基本依据,也是建筑能耗分析和能源管理的基础。
- From the actual conditions of the cold regions, it is discussed the requirement of house windows from building energy efficiency standard. 摘要从寒冷地区的实际情况出发,介绍了我国现行建筑节能标准对建筑外窗的要求;
- The building energy conservation has a very vital significance on Chinese economic construction, on which more emphases have been laid gradually. 建筑节能在我国经济建设中具有非常重要的意义,已日益受到重视。
- Building energy simulation,including building envelopes and HVAC system,is a useful approach for study of building energy con servation. 国外已经将建筑节能研究确定在建筑围护结构和采暖空调系统相结合,而研究的主要手段是模拟和仿真。
- The application of solar house and solar radiant floor heating in building energy saving is analyzed, and the solar utilization in foreign countries is introduced. 摘要分析了太阳房及太阳能地板辐射采暖在建筑节能中的应用,介绍了国外对太阳能的利用。
- Phase change material technology is one of new topics in the fields of materials science, which is helpful for resolving building energy conservation and energy shortage. 摘要相变储能材料技术是近年来材料领域新兴的研究热点,该技术对建筑节能、解决能源紧张有着重要的应用价值。