- building education law 教育立法
- The Characteristics and Experience of the Private Education Law of the U.S. 美国私立教育法律制度的特点及其借鉴。
- The government is debating the education laws. 政府正在就教育法进行辩论。
- Congress has approved the new education laws. 国会已通过新的教育法。
- Enforcement rules for the Teacher Education Law shall be promulgated by the Ministry of Education. 本法施行细则,由教育部定之。
- At the end of the thesis, aims at the building education of the our country and build profession, proposed some suggestible place which were worth pondering and needed improving. 篇末,针对我国的建筑教育及建筑行业的具体现状加以分析,提出了一些值得思考和需要改进的地方。
- At the end of the thesis,aims at the building education of the our country and build profession,proposed some suggestible place which were worth pondering and needed improving. 篇末,针对我国的建筑教育及建筑行业的具体现状加以分析,提出了一些值得思考和需要改进的地方。
- Third, the function of the educational law of the school. 三是学校教育规律的作用。
- Su, Chien-ling (2004, 11, 25-26). The Role of NGO Groups in the Legis-lation of Gender Equity Education Law. 苏芊玲(2004,8,23)。台湾性别教育的继往与开来:性别平等教育法的立法过程与内涵。
- So you might expect education laws to be different in each state. 因此,可能会以为美国各州的教育法都是不相同的,
- The National Defense Education Law of the PRC enacted by the Standing Committee of the NPC has provided a legal basis for national defense education. 全国人大常委会制定的《中华人民共和国国防教育法》,为开展国防教育提供了法律依据。
- As one of the first literate societies in Europe, the Scottish Parliament passed the world's first compulsory education law in 1496. 苏格兰浓郁的书香氛围有其历史渊源。苏格兰议会于1496年通过了世界上第一个义务教育法案。
- The basic conditions prescribed by the Education Law should be met for the establishment of an institution of higher learning. 第二十五条设立高等学校,应当具备教育法规定的基本条件。
- The earliest compulsory education law on the world was 1619 the school law that duchy of Ma of German the Kingdom of Wei announces. 世界上最早的义务教育法令是1619年德国魏玛公国公布的学校法令。
- To build high-level system for education and administration, it’s very important to build educational Statistics and administrant information systems. 建设高水平的教育管理系统,教育统计管理信息系统的建设是重要的一环。
- Chapter three: Overview building educates the development abroad and developmentof type of design of hall of department of architecture. 第三章:研究建筑教育在国外的发展,选取了六座建筑系馆实例解析国外建筑系馆设计类型的演变。
- My legal counsel, Sam Bratton, who had been with me in the attorney general's office, was also an expert in education law. 我的法律顾问是我当检察长时曾在办公室任职的萨姆.;布拉顿,他是教育法律方面的专家。
- Therefore, it is necessary to build educator's sense of childhood and lead childhood into a fairyland by proper education. 因此,要努力构建教育者的童年意识,通过教育引导儿童走向童话,从而更好地呵护童年。
- The National Defense Education Law of the PRC was formally promulgated and came into force on April 28,2001,putting China's national defense education on the legal track. 2001年4月28日《中华人民共和国国防教育法》正式颁布实施,标志着中国国防教育事业走上了法制化轨道。
- Penalties shall be imposed pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Education Law for activities of higher education in violation of the provisions of the Education Law. 第六十六条对高等教育活动中违反教育法规定的,依照教育法的有关规定给予处罚。