- The director says unconcernedly to a worker: "Our build by laying bricks or stones a wall. 经理对一个工人漫不经心地说:"我们砌一道墙。"
- The city is square, the fence is 12 meters or so high, build by laying bricks or stones of outside and total brick, build on the wall have crenel, there is moat outside the wall. 城为方形,墙高12米左右,外表全部砖砌,墙上筑有垛口,墙外有护城河。
- A lot of people like to be on the balcony pisciculture of cistern of build by laying bricks or stones, but many cistern had appeared slack circumstance. 很多人喜欢在阳台上砌水池养鱼,但不少水池都出现过漏水情况。
- Of course the design of cistern is flatter also, client but the mural edge build by laying bricks or stones down closestool the mesa of form of a cabinet, such cistern are equal to concealmented. 当然水箱的设计也比较扁,客户可顺着马桶的壁沿砌一个柜子式的台面,这样水箱就等于隐蔽了。
- Most fish reproduce themselves by laying eggs. 大多数鱼产卵繁殖。
- Use a ferroconcrete prefab floor, roof boarding regards structure of building, roofing as the layer, perpendicular to bearing component part uses system of bricky build by laying bricks or stones. 采用钢筋混凝土预制楼板、屋面板作为楼、屋面结构层,竖向承重构件采用砖砌体。
- Some tropical fish reproduce themselves by laying eggs. 某些热带鱼类靠产卵进行繁殖。
- I shot down a flying bird by laying off ahead of it. 我超前瞄准,打下了一只正在飞的鸟。
- She gestured her disappointment by laying her hand on her forehead. 她把手放在额头上,以表示失望。
- Several problem in structure design to house build by laying bricks 砌体房屋结构设计中的几个问题
- His new house was built by himself, brick by brick. 他的新房子是他自己一块砖一块砖砌起来的。
- By laying down laminin A, therefore, FSCs help build their own niche. 通过产生层粘连蛋白A,卵囊干细胞从而能够建立它们自己的生态龛位。
- The hotel building by our company is eye-filling. 我们公司建的这座饭店大楼特别宏伟。
- Some famous amphitheatres were built by the Romans. 一些著名的竞技场都是罗马人修建的。
- Frogs reproduce themselves by laying eggs. 青蛙通过产卵繁殖。
- Most reptiles reproduce by laying eggs on land. 大多数爬行动物通过在陆地产卵进行繁殖。
- The company engaged to finish the building by May. 那家公司保证五月份造好房子。
- The frog raise up seed by laying eggs. 青蛙通过产卵繁殖.
- Some tropical fish reproduce by laying eggs. 有些热带鱼靠产卵繁殖。
- Some tropical fish reproduce their kind by laying eggs. 有些热带鱼靠产卵繁殖。