- buffer allocation algorithm 缓冲区分配
- Like Exchange Server 5.5, the Store. Exe process uses a unique cache mechanism named Dynamic Buffer Allocation (DBA). 与在Exchange Server 5.;5中一样;Store
- Study on dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithm for EPON upstream access[J]. 引用该论文 戚世杰;邹君妮;李迎春;林如俭.
- This paper proposes a dynamic subchannel and power allocation algorithm for the MC-CDMA sys tern. 摘要针对MC-CDMA系统的反向链路提出了一种动态子载波和功率分配算法。
- So that the buffer allocated at destination becomes smaller. 藉此使配置在目的地之缓冲区得以减少。
- A ROI-based rate allocation algorithm for the MPEG-4 FGS enhancement layer is proposed in this paper. 该文提出了一种基于感兴趣区的MPEG-4 FGS增强层码率分配算法。
- A novel adaptive subchannel allocation algorithm is proposed for multi-user MIMO-OFDM system. 针对多用户MIMO-OFDM系统,提出自适应子信道分配算法。
- ADLM uses an optimal layer rate allocation algorithm which can maximally satisfy each receiver’s available bandwidth. ADLM运用最优化层输率分配算法来自适应地满足接收者的异构性。
- A buffer allocated in the main memory is intended to speed operations. 主内存中的缓冲区目的在于加快运行速度。
- An adaptive bit and power allocation algorithm for MC-CDMA system is proposed in this paper based on the study of MC-CDMA system and adaptive allocation technology. 在研究MC-CDMA系统和自适应比特分配技术的基础上,提出了一种适合MC-CDMA系统的自适应比特和功率分配算法。
- Fieldbus DLL protocol is investigated. An optimal acyclic bandwidth allocation algorithm is proposed,and assessed by using Smpl simulation package. 研究现场总线数据链路层协议,提出一种网络性能更优化的非循环带宽分配算法,并通过Smpl仿真软件测量算法的网络性能参数。
- This paper proposes a distributed-scheduler model and adaptive bandwidth allocation algorithm of QoS guarantee over IEEE802.11 system. 本文提出了一种有效支持QoS的IEEE802.;11的分布式调度器的模型和自适应的带宽分配算法。
- An optimal discrete bit allocation algorithm was developed for resource allocation in future high-speed discrete multitone(DMT) systems. 为满足未来高速离散多音频调制(DMT)系统资源分配的需要,提出一种新的最优离散比特分配算法。
- Experimental results show that the resource allocation algorithm proposed in this paper can improve circuit testability and interconnection cost. 实验结果表明该文所提出的资源分配算法对电路的可测性和互连造价两方面都有所改善。
- Redo buffer Allocation Retries Statistics Ratio 重做缓冲区分配尝试统计信息的比率
- In this paper, we present a register allocation algorithm based on pseudo-random testability metrics for minimizing Built-in Selftest (BIST) resources. 本文提出了一种基于伪随机可测性方法的寄存器分配算法,来减少内建自测试(BIST)所带来的硬件开销。
- Optimal Buffer Allocation for ATM Switching ATM交换的最佳缓存器分配
- This paper has presented an improved practical bit allocation algorithm on the DMT channel which can achieve near-flat power distribution under integer granularity constraint. 本文提出了一种改进的用于DMT信道的实用比特分配算法,它可以在整比特数限制下实现近似平坦的功率分布。
- The simulation results show that the system outperforms fixed modulation FMT system in Bit Error Ratio (BER), and it is a practical bit allocation algorithm. 通过仿真分析表明,与采用固定调制方式的FMT系统相比较,该算法显著提高了系统的误比特率性能,是一种实用的比特分配算法。
- An optimal rate allocation algorithm based on system utility, ORAU, is brought forward.Then a solution to the allocation algorithm is found through ratiocinating and proving. 提出了一种效用最优的层速率分配算法ORAU,并通过推理证明得出了一个求解途径;