- trajectory bucket type energy dissipation 挑流消能
- roller bucket type energy dissipation 面流消能
- The indirect dryer is a new type energy conservative dryer. 间接式干燥机是一种新型高效节能的干燥设备。
- The study results showed that this type dissipator is effective for the problem of energy dissipation. 并与模型实验结果进行了对比,吻合良好.研究结果表明。
- The 915-RG rainfall sensor is a tipping bucket type rain sensor, to WMO standard.It has been proven over a wide range of climate conditions. 北京华云信通科技发展有限公司是一家专业的卫星导航、惯性导航、环境监测、气象监测、地理信息系统软件开发和系统集成公司。
- The bucket type front seats feature polished aluminium eyelets, the style of which is also reflected in the design of the inner door panels. 斗式前座椅抛光铝眼,风格,其中也反映在设计的车门内板。
- The friction energy dissipator is a seismic response damping device with simple structure and easy installation. 摩擦耗能器是一种构造简单、制作方便的耗能减震装置。
- This paper discusses energy dissipator of sluice in Renkeng Hydroelect ric Station of Longchuan County, Guangdong. 消能工设计是水闸消能的关键性技术问题。
- Vischer, D.L., and Hager, W.H., “Energy Dissipator”, Netherlands: A.A.Balkema Book Co. pp. 90-92 (1995). 周宪德、黄贵麟,“阶梯式舌流之消能特性”,第八届水利研讨会论文集,第1187-1194页(1996)。
- The article puts forward the method of controlling Chaohu Pivot through hydraulics analysis to energy dissipator and scour apron. 摘要文章通过对巢湖闸消能防冲结构的水力学分析,提出了巢湖闸控制运用的办法。
- Abstract: The friction energy dissipator is a seismic response damping device with simple structure and easy installation. 文摘:摩擦耗能器是一种构造简单、制作方便的耗能减震装置。
- The paper studies the united energy dissipator with the grid and stepped spillway face by means of the spillway of Liudingshan reservoir. 本文以六顶山水库溢洪道为研究对象,采用阶梯式溢流面与格栅相结合的消能工。
- Thin-walled tailored tube is a new type energy absorber which meets the demands of both structural light weight and structural crashworthiness. 摘要薄壁拼焊管是一种新型缓冲吸能元件,目前尚没有可遵循的设计准则及方法。
- Making use of the precise displacement controlling of the material testing machine,the dynamic testing of metal rubber/rubber composite laminated energy dissipator is done. 采用电液伺服材料试验机的位移加载方式,对金属橡胶/橡胶复合叠层耗能器进行动态试验研究。
- In order to help reader to undertandnew - type energy - saving product, this paperanalyses the constitution of electronic ballasts andcompares performance of electric lightning. 本文主要是通过对构成节能灯的电子镇流器的分析,辅之以灯管特性和各类常见光源耗能特性的比较,以加强读者对这一领域的节能新产品的认识;
- The effect factors and laws on the behaviors of friction energy dissipator are analyzed.The research results can be referred designing of friction energy dissipator. 通过对影响摩擦耗能器性能的因素和规律进行分析研究,提出了设计建议,有关结论可供设计摩擦耗能器时参考。
- bucket type enema administration unit 桶式灌肠器
- Design, testing and research results of surface spillway tail-flaring pier joint energy dissipator of the RCC main dam of Baise Multipurpose Dam project is introduced. 介绍百色水利枢纽RCC主坝表孔宽尾墩联合消能工设计、试验研究成果。
- bucket type vaginal irrigation unit 桶式阴道冲洗器
- The configuration and dimension of the kinetic energy dissipator should be selected carefully to make the water tunnel safe and reliable at different levels of diversion dischage. 为使引水隧洞在各级引水流量下能安全可靠地运行,需慎重确定洞内消能工的体形和尺寸。