- The bubble size is the one significant quantity which determines the conditions in the bed. 气泡尺寸是决定床内情况的一个关键因数。
- The bubble size is a significant quantity which determines the conditions in the bed. 气泡尺寸是决定床内情况的一个关键因数。
- J. Varley, “Submerged gas-liquid jets: bubble size prediction,” Chemical Engineering Science, vol.50, No.5, pp. 901-905(1995). 张简光展,“气泡幕消波之研究”,成功大学水力及海洋工程研究所硕士论文(1999)。
- A sensitivity analysis of the difference method, interracial force and bubble- induced turbulence and bubble size was made. 对数值差分方法、相关模型(界面力和气泡诱导的紊流)和汽泡尺寸进行了敏感性分析。
- For the same water depth and same aperture,the gas flow was the major factor for effecting the bubble size and velocity. 对于相同的水深和相同的孔径,流量是影响气泡大小和速度的主要因素。
- The effects of bubble size, approaching velocity, diffusion of organic component and addition of electrolyte and surfactant on bubble coalescence were investigated. 考察了气泡尺寸、靠近速度、有机溶质的扩散、电解质和表面活性剂的加入对气泡聚并行为的影响。
- When you use the bubble size to express a value, keep in mind the two competing concepts of how to translate the represented attribute into a geometric value. 当你使用气泡的大小来表达一个值,记住两个相对的概念即表现属性和几何上的值,它们怎样转化的问题。
- Investigation of bubble size in boiling two-phase flow is significant for the further understanding of two-phase flow structure and the development of two-phase models. 沸腾工况汽液两相流汽泡尺寸的研究对于深入理解两相流动特性以及相关模型的发展具有重要意义。
- Computational results show that gas volumetric fraction increases with increasing gas flowrate and impeller speed, bubble size increases with increasing gas flowrate and decreasing impeller speed. 气泡直径随气体流率增加而增大,随桨叶转速增大而减小。
- A mathematic model of foam fractionation was set up based on the following assumptions: adsorption equilibrium,same bubble size and regular dodecahedron model of real bubbles. 假设吸附过程始终处于平衡态、气泡大小均一以及每一个气泡均为正十二面体,构建了泡沫分离过程的数学模型。
- They differ in size but not in kind. 这些东西的区别只是大小不同而实质一样。
- A bubble will burst at the slightest touch. 气泡稍微一碰就破。
- The commonly used two-fluid models are not suitable for bubbly flow with non-uniform bubble sizes. 不同尺寸气泡的运动和受力不同。
- And the mid- size car have a lot more legroom. 而且中型车的腿部伸展空间较为宽敞。
- Her cheerful spirits and bubble laughter infect the whole class. 她那快乐的情绪和爽朗的笑声感染了全班。
- He cut the iron pole to the size he wanted. 他把铁杆锯成他需要的尺寸。
- What is the exact size of the room? 这个房间的确切面积是多少?
- The boys got wise to Jack's fondness for bubble gum. 孩子们识破了杰克喜欢吃泡泡糖的秘密。
- He ranged the books according to size. 他照大小顺序排列这些书。
- Gases from deep in the earth bubble up through the lake. 地下深处的气体从湖底冒了出来。