- bubble column machine 泡柱式浮选机
- The heat transfer between an immersed horizontal tube and the two-phase flow in a bubble column were measured. 本研究对鼓泡塔中气液两相流与浸没在其中的水平管间的对流传热系数进行了实验测定。
- Comparing with that of bubble column, the liquid axial backmixing apparently decreases after inserting the baffles. 而且与空塔比较,液相轴向返混系数明显减小。
- At present, a few CFD simulations of countercurrent of liquid and gas in the bubble column are found. 目前,关于鼓泡塔内气液逆流操作的CFD模拟计算还很少。
- A mathematic model was established to discuss effects of mass transfer on Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in slurry bubble column reactor. 采用建立数学模型的方法在鼓泡浆态床反应器体系中讨论了传质对费托合成反应行为的影响。
- In this article, we present a new quasi single-fluid model according to the flow characteristic of bubble column of countercurrent of liquid and gas. 我们根据气液逆流鼓泡塔内的流动特点,提出了新的拟单相流模型,通过计算发现鼓泡塔内存在三个流动区域:核心区、零轴向速度区和塔壁附近回流区。
- In the experiment, the hot-film anemometry was applied to the countercurrent bubble column and local measurements of gas hold-up were obtained. 实验中应用热膜流速仪对逆流鼓泡塔气液两相流场进行了多点测量,并通过对测量电压信号的分析处理得到了各测量点的气含率。
- The large eddy simulations (LES) with the Euler-Euler approach is used to study the gas-liquid flow in a partially aerated bubble column. 摘要采用气液两相流动的欧拉-欧拉大涡模拟,研究了偏心进气式鼓泡塔内气液两相湍流流动。
- Theabove correlations lay the foundation of further study on the hydrodynamics of Non-Newtonian slurryin a bubble column. 为进一步研究非牛顿型浆液鼓泡塔流体力学行为打下基础。
- The radiant orifice gas distributor and internals were set in the slurry bubble column to distribute the gas uniformly and optimize the suspension effect of solids. 为了实现气体均布和优化固体悬浮效果,在浆态床内设置辐射式锐孔气体分布器和内部构件。
- The performance of the three-phase bubble column bioreactor is stable, and the mycelial pellets can be used repeatedly to effectively yield laccase by the method in large scale. 该方法采用的三相鼓泡塔生物反应器性能稳定、菌丝球可重复使用,该方法有利于漆酶的高效、规模化生产。
- The effect of four additives on the absorption rate of ozone in water and the ozonation rate of p-nitrophenol solution was investigated in a bubble column. 研究了传质促进剂(促传剂)对臭氧降解水中对硝基酚的影响,筛选出了两种效果较好的促传剂。
- In order to better understand the role played by the different parameters in determining the performance of a bubble column, many suitable hypotheses were introduced. 为更好地理解不同参数对鼓泡器性能的影响,引入许多假设,并将提取效率作为过程参数进行分析与计算。
- The retention time distribution of the bubble column and internal airlift loop bioreactor was measured with a pulse tracing technique for comparison of mixing characteristics. 用脉冲示踪法测试了鼓泡塔和内循环气升式生物反应器的停留时间分布,对其流动混合特性作了比较研究。
- The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候,机器偏偏又坏了。
- The uses of this machine are manifold. 这台机器有多种用途。
- A new type of reactor,which incorporates a gas-lift bubble column with the external recycle falling-film column,has been developed to meet the special needs for adiponitrile synthesis by ammoniation of adipic acid. 根据己二酸液相氨化制己二腈反应的特点,提出了一个由鼓泡气提塔和外循环降膜反应器组合的新型复合反应器。
- The resident time distribution(RTD) of bubble column bioreactor(BC) and airlift loop bioreactor(AL) could be described in combinated model according to the studies on the hydraulics of BC and AL. 通过对鼓泡塔式(BC)和内循环气升式(AL)生物流化床反应器水力停留时间分布的研究,发现用组合模型可以描述这两种生物反应器的停留时间分布。
- In the course of experiments,it was found that the places of gas hydrate formation and its existing in bubble column were different under the conditions of reactant liquid recycled and unrecycled. 结果表明,反应液体在循环和不循环的情况下,水合物在鼓泡塔内生成、存在的位置不同。
- To better the liquid velocity distribution in the core of the column,the resistance internals with lateral fins on a vertical bar were installed on the(center) line of the bubble column. 针对大型鼓泡塔径向流速分布不均易导致中心区域气体短路的问题,提出了在中心区域布置阻尼内构件改善流速分布的方案。