- The people all over the world are opposed to the brutal colonial rule. 世界人民反对残酷的殖民统治。
- At the same time, 88 percent of those claiming to be patriots said Japanese must consider their country's militaristic past and brutal colonial rule in Asia, the Asahi said. 此外,在自认为有爱国心的受访者中,88%25的人认为日本必须面对自己的军国主义历史以及曾在亚洲一些国家进行的残酷殖民统治。
- brutal colonial rule 残酷的殖民统治
- Kenya was under (British) colonial rule for many years. 肯尼亚曾多年受(英国)殖民统治。
- Kenya was under colonial rule for many years. 肯尼亚曾多年受殖民统治.
- The Latin American and African people have successfully fought against colonial rule. 拉丁美洲和非洲人民成功地进行了反对殖民统治的战斗。
- The Latin American have successfully fought against colonial rule. 拉丁美洲人民成功地进行了反对殖民统治的战斗。
- Tunisia achieved independence from French colonial rule in 1956. 突尼斯于1956年从法国的殖民统治下获得独立。
- This helped them in maintaining their colonial rule in Africa. 这帮助了他们维持在非洲的殖民统治。
- The African people have successfully fought against colonial rule. 非洲人成功地反抗殖民统治。
- Various parts of Africa have suffered under colonial rule. 非洲各地都遭受过殖民统治。
- Anti-colonialism aimed at ending the subordination of people to colonial rule. 反殖民主义者旨在结束一个民族附属于殖民统治的现象。
- Now there was added a proclivity to emulate the scale of French colonial rule. 现在又增加了一种要同法国殖民统治规模媲美的倾向。
- The people of Africa have successfully fought against colonial rule. 非洲人民成功地反抗了殖民统治。
- This is the only way to clear away the survivals and influences of colonial rule. 这是清除殖民统治的残余和影响的唯一办法。
- More than 100 years of colonial rule also inevitably made English its official language. 百多年殖民地统治又确立了英语的官方地位。
- One form of colonial rule shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far greater iron tyranny. 一种形式殖民统治的消亡绝不仅仅是为了让另一种更加严酷的暴政来替代它。
- The 1920s and 1930s witnessed surging waves of mass action sweeping across the island against Japanese colonial rule. 及至本世纪二十和三十年代,岛内反抗日本殖民统治的群众运动更加波澜壮阔,席卷台湾南北。
- As you know,Hong Kong never had a single voice in the selection of the Governor during colonial rule. 众所周知,在过去殖民统治期间,香港市民在挑选总督一事上,一直无权过问。
- As you may know,Hong Kong never had a single voice in the selection of the Governor during colonial rule. 众所周知,香港在过去一百五十六年殖民统治期间,在挑选总督一事上,一直无权过问。