- Short Notes on Creating the Freehand Brushwork of Flowers and birds 写意花鸟画创作随笔
- About the Freehand Brushwork of Flowers and Birds in the New Era 新世纪关于写意花鸟画的思考
- brushwork of flowers and birds 花鸟画
- In the tropics, you'll see a lot of flowers and birds with vivid colors. 在热带地区,你会看见许多色彩鲜艳的花和鸟。
- He made a drawing of flowers and plants. 他画了一张花卉画。
- Men,men,men,everywhere,and no mention of flowers and birds and hills and streams. 人,人,到底是人,而完全没有提到花鸟和山川!
- The background is pale blue with traditional Japanese paintings of flowers and birds. 底色是浅蓝的,还有日本花鸟画。
- Men, men, men, everywhere, and no mention of flowers and birds and hills and streams! 人,人,到底是人,而完全没有提到花鸟和山川!
- Enamel color pipe brush, which is national treasure, museum collected with painting of flower and birds, Chia-Ching seal, government kiln products. 藏品描述:珐琅彩,花鸟管笔,国宝,馆藏级,嘉庆款,官窑制品。
- In addition to our part of Flowers and Birds Painting, most landscape painting, figure painting Meticulous colors are flat. 我国除了一部分花鸟画外,大部分山水画、工笔人物画的色彩都是平面的。
- The major activity of “Flower Fair” is a flower show, integrating flowers and birds, painting and calligraphy, lantern fair, performance and industrial arts. “花街”的主要活动内容是花展,并融花鸟、书画、灯会、文艺表演、工艺美术多种艺术为一体。
- Zhou Guo Hua, a humorous teacher, who possesses a good skill in traditional painting of flowers and birds, works diligently and is deeply beloved by students. 勤于画而精于技,擅长花鸟画,诙谐幽默,深得学员喜欢的周国华老师。
- BoDa's nursery sclence base not only provides all kinds of best flowers and plants, but also gives you a place full of flowers perfume and birds singing. 公司苗圃科研基地不仅将为您提供品种繁多、质优品高的花卉苗木,而且还将为您提供草木葱郁、鸟语花香的休闲空间。
- Where does 88 play with three Jiang Lu having the billiard room , the painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style marketplace nearby (Seattle)? 您的位置:凡人谷知道>地区>上海>徐汇区>三江路88弄(西雅图)附近哪里有台球房,花鸟市场?
- Ve got a yard full of flowers and plants. 我有一个院子,种满了花啊草的。
- An elegant example of Dutch craftsmanship and design, the table is crafted of walnut and boasts intricate inlay work of satinwood, rosewood and pearwood in the form of flowers and birds. 一个荷兰的工艺和设计优雅例如,表是精心雕琢的核桃,建有缎木,紫檀木和梨木,错综镶嵌在花鸟的形式工作。
- The cultivation of flowering and ornamental plants. 种花花卉和观赏植物的栽培
- Zhangzhou enjoys a reputation of “A Land of Flowers and Fruits”. 漳州素有“花果之乡”的美誉。
- Men and birds are fain of climbing high. 不论人还是鸟都愿意往高处攀。
- Peng Ke's New Freehand Brush-works of Flowers and Birds 彭柯的新写意花鸟画