- So what does black and dark brown pigment of skin and hair offer? 那么黑色和黑褐色皮肤及头发会提供什么?
- This article is about extracting the brown pigment from the Lichi core. 介绍以荔枝核为原料提取棕色素的方法,研究了几种食品添加剂对该色素的影响。
- The light brown pigment seen here in the necrotic hepatocytes around the central vein is lipochrome. 图中中央静脉周围坏死肝细胞中的浅褐色色素为脂褐素。
- Clinically the typical lesions are characterized by verrucous thickening and brown pigmentation of the nipple and areola. 典型的临床表现为乳头及乳晕上有疣状增厚及棕色斑块。
- Stability testing and compare of the Hydroextracting the Dark Brown Pigment from Walnut epicarp of dry in the sun and by the airing and retting. 摘要将同一采样点的样品分别晒乾、晾乾、沤干后,以水为萃取剂,提取棕褐色色素,并对其稳定性进行了测试与比较。
- Three types of gallstones are defined, including cholesterol, brown pigment and black pigment stones. 胆石症依其成份可分为胆固醇结石,棕色素结石和黑色素结石;
- Use water to distill the Dark Brown Pigment in the differently dried walnut epicarp. 以水为萃取剂,提取不同方法干燥的核桃外果皮中棕褐色色素,并对其稳定性进行了测试。
- Chloasma is skin disease of pigment degeneration with limited yellowish brown or light brown pigmentation on the face.Its border may be clear or indistinct. 黄褐斑是颜面部出现局部黄褐色或淡褐色的皮肤病;边界清楚或模糊不清.
- At the same condition of extraction,the brown pigment of loquat was the most dissolvability and rate of extraction in methyl alcohol. 在相同提取条件下,乙醇水溶液对枇杷果核棕色素的溶解度最大,提取率最高。
- Use water to distill the Dark Brown Pigment in the differently dried walnut epicarp.We have tested the stability of the dark brown pigment. 以水为萃取剂,提取不同方法干燥的核桃外果皮中棕褐色色素,并对其稳定性进行了测试。
- Pink Leyding cells are seen here in the interstitium. Note the pale golden brown pigment as well. There is active spermatogenesis. 间质组织中可见粉红色的支持细胞。同时可见淡黄*色褐色素。那里正有精子形成。
- The brown pigments are major part of coloring materials for food. 棕色色素是食品着色物的重要部分之一。
- These strains of V. cholerae cultured in basic cholate agar, nutrient agar slant and blood agar could produce brown pigment, so it was called non O1 V. cholerae pigmentogens. 因该菌在碱性胆盐琼脂、营养琼脂斜面和血琼脂上培育后能产生水溶性褐色色素,故命名为产色素非O1群霍乱弧菌
- The tests show that the brown pigment is easy to be made from Lichi core,that it's character is steady and that it is worth developing and making use of this brown pigment. 结果表明荔枝核棕色素价廉易得、性质稳定,很具有开发利用价值。
- Using water distilled the Dark Brown Pigment from Walnut epicarp in the sample of differend sampling point and same means dry.We have tested the stability of the dark brown pigment. 摘要对不同地方采集的核桃外果皮用同样的方法进行乾燥后,以水为萃取剂,提取棕褐色色素并对其稳定性进行了侧试和比较。
- Abstract : Using water distilled the Dark Brown Pigment from Walnut epicarp in the sample of differend sampling point and same means dry .We have tested the stability of the dark brown pigment . 摘要 : 对不同地方采集的核桃外果皮用同样的方法进行干燥后,以水为萃取剂,提取棕褐色色素并对其稳定性进行了测试和比较。
- The system ZnO?Fe-2O-3?Cr-2O-3 mostly is the base of brown pigments used in the porcelain Industry. ZnO-Fe2O3-Cr2O3系统是合成陶瓷工业用的大部分棕色颜料的基本三元系统。
- dark brown pigment obtained by heating umber. 加热棕土制成的深棕色颜料。
- In Alzheimer's patients, a yellowish or brownish pigment called ceroid also builds up inside neurites, or projections from nerve cell bodies. 在阿兹海默病人的脑部,神经突起(neurite,神经细胞本体的突起)的内部,聚集了一种称为类蜡质(ceroid)的黄色或棕色色素。
- Mr. Robert Brown was announced as the sponsor. 罗勃特·布朗先生被宣布为赞助人。