- brown fat tissue [医] 棕脂组织(动物)
- Brown fat deposits lighted up each time. 棕色脂肪沉积物每次都被照亮。
- Therefore, fat tissue is an endocrine organ. 脂肪组织不仅是被动的能量贮存场所,同时还是能够分泌多种生物活性物质的器官。
- If white fat is a quilt, brown fat is an electric blanket. 如果说白色脂肪是被子,那么棕色脂肪就是电热毯。
- A good place to observe brown fat is in mice, where it persists into adulthood. 老鼠是观察棕色脂肪最好的样本,因为在成熟的老鼠中棕色脂肪组织仍会存在。
- Masses of brown fat are also to be found around the aorta and in the hilus of the kidney. 棕色脂肪团亦可在主动脉四周和肾脏的脐部附近找到。
- Dissection of a mouse will reveal two large, lobulated masses of brown fat on the dorsal aspect of the thorax, between the scapulae. 解剖老鼠后会发现在肩胛骨之间有两个由小叶片组成的大团块棕色脂肪。
- Mice lacking XOR showed a 50% reduction in fat tissue mass compared to their normal littermates. 缺少XOR的小鼠与其正常的同胞相比显示出脂肪组织重量减少50%25。
- For example, leaner people have more detectable brown fat than overweight people. 例如,瘦人与超重者相比有更多可检测的棕色脂肪。
- Thus, Carver showed that thiopental levels in the blood declined even after death as fat tissue absorbed the drug. 因此,卡佛的研究显示即使在死亡后,血液中的麻醉剂含量仍会持续减少,因为脂肪组织把麻醉吸收掉了。
- The hibernoma is a rare neoplasm derived from vestigial remnants of brown fat left from early embryologic development. 摘要越冬腺瘤是一种由早期胚胎中棕色脂肪退化的遗迹发展而成的罕见肿瘤。
- Stahlhut added that BPA may get into fat tissue, from where it might be released more slowly. 斯多哈特补充说 ,BPA会进入脂肪组织,从脂肪组织将其排除会更慢一些。
- When several were retested without first being cold, there was no brown fat activity. 当有几个没有被冷冻的人再次测试,没有布朗脂肪活动。
- Remoal of fat tissue during surgery to remoe a tumor would be simple, says Altaner. 最简单的方法是从肿瘤外科手术中获得脂肪组织。
- So it's possible that people become obese partly because they don't have enough brown fat to burn excess calories. 这就使得人们变胖的部分原因在于他们没有足够的棕色脂肪来消耗多余的卡路里成为可能。
- RNL Bio claims to have developed a new method for cloning dogs using stem cells derived from fat tissue. RNL公司更是声明他们已经开发了新的克隆狗技术,可以从脂肪组织中培养干细胞。
- That was a much lower prevalence of detectable brown fat found in either of the other two studies. 这比另外两项研究中发现的可以检测的布朗脂肪要低的多。
- But until now, conventional wisdom heldthat brown fat dwindles with age and becomes physiologically unimportant. 但是到现在为止,传统理论认为褐色脂肪随着年龄的变化,变得对生理不重要了。
- They took fat tissue from people who had liposuction, removed adult stem cells from the tissue and exposed the cells to the virus in the lab. 他们利用人们吸脂手术后的脂肪组织,从这些组织中分离出成年干细胞,并且在实验室里将这些细胞暴露在病毒中。
- After all, the people who have the most active brown fat so far are those with cancer and hyperthyroidism. 毕竟,迄今那些癌症和甲状腺功能亢进症的人有最活跃的棕色脂肪。