- A ball was dangling from the end of the string. 一只球挂在线的一端,正在那里摆来摆去。
- Terrorblade is the twin brother of the Anti-Mage. 恐惧之刃是敌法师的双胞胎兄弟。
- The string of the kite flew out of his hands. 风筝线飞离了它的手。
- Make a knot at the end of the string. 在绳头上打个结。
- The name of the string resource to load. 要加载的字符串资源的名称。
- A Decimal equivalent of the string. 与该字符串等效的Decimal。
- Of the string added to the constant pool. 返回添加到常数池中的字符串的。
- Designates the end of the string. 指定字符串的结尾。
- Sets the maximum layout size of the string. 设置字符串的最大布局大小。
- The length of the string that is stored. 所存储的字符串的长度。
- The maximum length of the string is 8 KB. 该字符串的最大长度为8 KB。
- Returns the length of the string. 返回字符串的长度。
- Was that man brother of the prisoner at the bar? 那个人是不是就是被告栏内囚犯的兄弟?
- What is the length of the string? 这根带子的长度是多少?
- Abishai the brother of Joab was chief of the Three. 约押的兄弟亚比筛是这三个勇士的首领。
- She threaded all of the beads onto the string. 她把所有珠子串在一根线上。
- The strings are muted throughout the closing bars of the symphony. 该交响曲结束部分各节中的弦乐全为弱化音。
- He who dawdles at work is a brother of the destroyer. 懒于操劳的人,是败子的弟兄。
- He makes a knot in the end of the string. 他在绳子末端打了个结。
- Knowledge is often the blood brother of practice. 知识与实践往往是不可分的。