- Are you willing to stand surety for your brother? 你愿意当你弟弟的保证人吗?
- He is on a par with his brother in intelligence. 他在智力方面同他的弟弟不相上下。
- The field artillery pounded away at the for tress. 野战炮兵连续炮击那座要塞。
- I stop with my brother while I am in Beijing. 我去北京总是住在哥哥家里。
- It seemed to be her mission to care for her brother's children. 照顾她兄弟的孩子似乎成了她一生的使命。
- My brother is always at my father's beck and call. 我兄弟总是对我父亲唯命是从。
- I'm trying to get in touch with my brother. 我正设法与我兄弟取得联系。
- His domination by his brother made him very angry. 他被他哥哥所控制,这使他非常气愤。
- The crowd cheered as the teams entered the field. 球队入场时观众们为之欢呼。
- His behaviour estrange him from his brother. 他的行为使他与哥哥疏远了。
- On the map the drains of each field are laid sown. 地图上标有每一块地的排水沟。
- Right-handed batters usually hit to left field. 右撇子击球手把球打到左外野。
- The little boy ran off to get his brother. 这个小男孩跑去找他的哥哥。
- He and his brother always see eye to eye. 他和他兄弟的看法总是一致的。
- The runaway horse was cornered in a field. 那匹跑掉的马在田地里被圈住了。
- He wired (to) his brother to send some money. 他给他哥哥打了个电报要求寄些钱来。
- My brother is the black sheep of the family. 我弟弟是我们家的害群之马。
- Tent is used by camper and by soldier in the field. 露营的人和战地的士兵用帐篷。
- My brother often scolds me without reason. 我哥哥经常无故责备我。
- The children had a field day with their new toys. 孩子们玩新玩具玩得十分开心。