- This will ultimately, bring disaster to humanity. 这最终要给人类带来灾难。
- A fire on the city gate brings disaster to the fish in the moat. 城门失火,殃及池鱼。
- The hurricane brought disaster to the small town near the sea. 飓风给海边的那座小镇带来灾难。
- He stared angrily at the people who nearly brought disaster to him. 他虎视着那个险些给他带来灾难的人。
- Bengladesh is famous for floods. Flood bring disast to them, at the same time, it can fetlilize the field . There are many rivers around Bengladesh . It formed by alluviation. 孟加拉国以洪水为名,洪水带来灾难的同时也给土壤带来了丰富的肥料。这个国家的河流特别多,它就是河流冲积而形成的一个国家。
- If, at this critical juncture of life or death for our nation, the Kuomintang continues in the same old groove and does not quickly change its policy, it will bring disaster to the War of Resistance. 在如此的亡国灭种的紧急关头,国民党如果还因循上述的政策不愿迅速改变,将使抗日战争蒙受绝大的不利。
- If,at this critical juncture of life or death for our nation,the Kuomintang continues in the same old groove and does not quickly change its policy,it will bring disaster to the War of Resistance. 在如此的亡国灭种的紧急关头,国民党如果还因循上述的政策不愿迅速改变,将使抗日战争蒙受绝大的不利。
- If the waterproofing has the problem, not to mention own family quilt “is flooded”, will similarly also bring disaster to the next door, the downstairs neighbor, will bring the serious economic loss. 倘若防水出现问题,且不说自己的家被“水漫金山”,同样也会殃及隔壁、楼下的邻居,带来严重的经济损失。
- The smallest deflection of the missile could bring disaster. 导弹有极微小的偏斜也可能酿出大祸。
- A fire on the city gate brings disaster to the fish in the moat.; Innocent people get into trouble on account of others' misfortune. 城门失火, 殃及池鱼。
- To bring disaster to the country and its people 祸国殃民
- To bring disaster to the nation by a mere word 一言丧邦
- Postmodernism philosophy believes that modernity, exaggerating the goals of subjectivity and unification and bringing disaster to individual freedom and survival, should be denied. 后现代主义哲学认为现代性夸大了主体性和统一性的旨趣,给个体的自由和生存带来了灾难,应彻底否定。
- With the support of international organization and many countries, people has efficiently controlled or eliminated zoonosis such as Smallpox, Pestis which had brought disaster to human being. 在国际组织和各个国家的参与下,人类已有效控制和消灭了天花、鼠疫等曾给人类带来灾难的人兽共患疾病。
- They ascribed their disaster to an unkind fate. 他们把他们的灾难归于命不好。
- To injure the masses and Bring disaster to the country 殃民祸国
- None of these will bring disaster. 没有什麽会带来惨剧。
- Brings disaster to the fish in the moat 殃及池鱼
- The war caused disasters to the people. 战争给人们带来了灾难。
- A beautiful woman named Cassandra said it would bring disaster. 一个叫卡珊德拉的漂亮女人说它会带来灾难的。