- The modifying effects of polyacryamide on flexural fatigue property and flexural toughness of concrete bridge deck overlay is studied by strength test, impact test, flexural fatigue test and so on. 通过强度试验,冲击试验和弯曲疲劳试验,研究了聚丙烯酰胺对混凝土桥面铺装层弯曲疲劳特性与韧性的改性效果,建立了聚丙烯酰胺改性混凝土的弯曲疲劳寿命方程。
- Shear Analysis of the Long Span Steel Bridge Deck Overlay 大跨径钢桥面铺装粘结层剪切分析
- Mechanics performance of binding course system for concrete bridge deck overlay 混凝土桥面铺装粘结层体系力学性能试验研究
- Design of the Bridge Deck Overlay of Large Span Cable-stayed Bridge with Single Cable Plane 大跨径单索面斜拉桥桥面铺装设计
- A Study on Road Performance of Polacrylamide Modifying Concrete Used for Bridge Deck Overlay 聚丙烯酰胺改性水泥混凝土
- Mechanical analysis of steel bridge deck overlay and disease prevention measures 钢桥面铺装的力学分析及病害预防措施
- bridge deck overlay 桥面铺装
- The bridge deck carries both eastbound and westbound traffic. 该桥承担着东西向的交通。
- They were placed by a derrick mounted on rails on the bridge deck. 它们由轨道上的转臂吊机吊放在桥面上。
- The cross section of a bridge deck may twist as a result of excessive life. 桥面横断面可能由于过量的升力而发生扭转。
- The bridge deck will be partly constructed in antimagnetic material. 驾驶甲板部分结构应该是防磁材料。
- Changes in strand tension can be easily determined if the bridge deck is resurfaced. 当桥面重新铺装时,易于确定钢索内拉力的变化情况。
- Large sections of bridge deck are pushed out over the piers on rollers or sliding teflon bearings. 将桥面的巨大节段在滚轴或聚四氟乙烯支撑板上推过桥墩。
- Where suspenders are employed, the inclined type are preferable. A bridge deck must be a continuous structure to provide greater rigidity. 使用吊索时,斜拉式更好。为了使桥梁具有更大强度,承梁必须采用连续结构。
- A simulated bridge deck is tested for durability and strength to determine its breaking point. 这个模拟桥面用来测试其耐力与强度,以确定断裂点。
- Bridge deck, poop deck, main deck, forecastle deck shall have total 9 life buoys. 驾驶甲板、尾楼甲板、主甲板、首楼甲板总共设9只救生圈。
- Based on which, the feasibility of SFRC partly superseding RC is probed into bridge deck pavement.3. 在此基础上,对在桥面铺装工程中采用钢纤维混凝土部分取代钢筋混凝土的可能性进行了探讨。
- Checking calculation method and essentials about fatigue of orthotropic steel bridge deck are briefly described. 简述了正交异性钢桥面板的疲劳验算方法及注意点;
- Integrating relative specifications, construction technique of SFRC bridge deck pavement is analyzed. 3.;结合相关规范;对钢纤维混凝土在桥面铺装工程的施工技术特点进行了分析。