- Calculating theory of settlement of bridge approach embankment 桥台背路基沉降理论计算
- Analysis of performance of bridge approach embankment constructed by expanded polystyrene 采用泡沫聚苯乙烯修筑的轻型桥台路堤特性分析
- bridge approach embankment 桥台路堤
- The approach embankment leading up to an MSE abutment is continuous with the compacted granular fill on which the bridge seat rests. 通向MSE桥肩的引堤与碾压后的粗粒回填物是连续的,桥座就坐落在此之上。
- The causes and treatment measures of concrete peeling of the approach embankment facing barrier board in Huanghua Port Phase I Project are introduced. 介绍黄骅港一期工程引堤护面栅栏板表皮混凝土脱落的原因和处理措施。
- The vehicle bump at bridge approach is a common problem with great damage. 桥头发生跳车现象,是一个十分普遍的问题,其危害极大。
- The paper introduces the general structure and operational principle of the self-travelling shuttering system for the northern bridge approach. 介绍了苏通北引桥完全自行式移动模架系统的一般构造及工作原理。
- This piece is located at the hill body Tangjiewan Zhuhai Lingdingyang Bridge originally started inspect bridge approach works perfectly for the large-scale quarrying. 这片位于珠海唐家湾的山体原来是伶仃洋跨海大桥起步工程淇澳岛引桥的大型采石取土场。
- The approach embankments, abutment walls and wing walls were constructed and surcharged prior to installation of the bridge seats, with the resultingload producing 8.5 inches of settlement. 在安装桥座前,引桥路堤、桥台墙和翼墙已经施工和对地基进行了预压,总沉降8.;5英寸。
- However, the city Urban Transportation Secretary Rendezhong told reporters that the main farmstead Taiwan Liaohe River Bridge Bridge without any problems, only bridge approach is swirling. 不过,盘锦市交通局局长任德忠告诉记者,田庄台辽河大桥的主桥没有任何问题,只是引桥是危桥。
- In this study, finite element program is developed to examine the effects of alleviating bridge approach differential settlement by emplacing geonet in the backfill behind bridge abutment. 本文对土工网处理桥头差异沉降进行了有限元分析,并通过实体工程的长期观测结果验证了计算结果的合理性。
- Parameters'Influence on Determination of Allowable Differential Settlement between Bridge and Approach Embankment 路桥过渡段容许台阶高度确定的参数影响
- Traffic is maintained on bypasses, and fill from the bridge onstruction is reused to build the bridge approaches. 原有的交通可以走辅道,而且桥下的换填土将来还可以再用来做桥梁的引道。
- How to Solve Settlement at Bridge Approach 路桥过渡段沉降病害处治措施综述
- The Design of Heavy Steel Bridge Approach Lift 重型钢引桥提升机的设计
- And the suspension bridge from hanging vines. 悬索桥受到了悬挂着的藤的启发。
- The frail wooden bridge cracked. 这座不牢固的木桥断裂了。
- She made a sign for me to approach her. 她对我发出靠近她的暗号。
- I have not the least idea about how to play bridge. 我一点儿不知道怎样打桥牌。
- Heavy footsteps signalled the teacher's approach. 沉重的脚步声显示教师已经走近了。