- I quivered with fear at the sound. 我听见那种声音就吓得发抖。
- She was beside herself with fear. 她惧怕得失魂丧魄。
- The girl sat up, her eyes wide with fear. 那女孩紧张地挺着身子,吓得睁大了眼睛。
- His face was screwed up with fear. 他的脸因为恐惧而扭歪着。
- I stood there quaking with fear. 我站在那里,害怕得直发抖。
- She was breathless with indignation. 她愤愤不平,气呼呼的。
- The child's convulsions filled us with fear. 孩子抽筋使我们忧心忡忡。
- Here they stood, staring, breathless with wonder. 他们就站在那里观看,一个个都睁大了眼睛,惊奇得透不过气来。
- He blanched (with fear) at the sight of the snake. 他看见蛇(吓得)脸色煞白。
- Bob was breathless with excitement. Bob激动得喘不过气来.
- I was quaking with fear at the sight. 看到那光景使我恐惧得发抖。
- Frozen in their tracks with fear. 他们的思想因害怕而保持不变
- By the end of the walk, she was breathless with exertion. 走到最后,她累得上气不接下气。
- Some women shivered with fear as they faced the robber. 有些妇女们面对强盗吓得发抖。
- I quailed with fear at the thought of telling her the bad news. 想到要告诉她这个坏消息,我就害怕得发抖。
- He seemed half out of his mind with fear. 他看来像被吓得处于半疯癫状态似的。
- Watching him climb up the precipice, everybody was breathless with anxiety. 看着他往悬崖上爬, 大家都捏一把汗。
- Watching him climb up the precipice , everybody was breathless with anxiety. 看着他往悬崖上爬,大家都捏一把汗。
- The children trembled all over with fear. 孩子们吓得浑身发抖。
- The little boy was riveted to the ground with fear. 小男孩吓得像生了根似的站在地上一动也不动。