- breast height diamter 胸高直径
- Effects of crown attributes on sapwood and heartwood area at breast height were highly significant. 对胸高处湿心材、边材影响极显著。
- V.Salvador into ZhejiangProvince was started in 1972.Four-year-old trees could be as tall as 8.36 m witha diameter of 10.36 cm at breast height. 种植的4年生树高达8.;36米、胸径10
- The best provena nee is No. 13242 which from Queensland whether in height, diameter breast height and volume increment or wind-resistance index. 树高、胸径生长及材积和抗风力等指标,均以昆士兰的13242号种源最好。
- Compared with the original region of L.leptolepis,Nagano-ken in Japan,the growth of tree and diameter at breast height had not difference. 与日本落叶松原产地日本长野县相比,林木的树高和胸径生长几乎没有差异。
- Weibull probability density function (pdf) is used to describe the diameter of breast height (dbh) distribution for stand structure. 以韦伯机率密度函数来描述直径分布,表示其林分结构,性态值分布状况。
- After planting, tree height (H), diameter at ground level (D) and diameter at breast height (DBH) were measured at regular intervals. 造林后,定期观测树高、地径或胸径。
- Population height, diameter breast height (DBH) and crown were studied in Cinnamomum burmannii population in Karst hills of Guilin, as well as their relationships. 探讨了桂林岩溶石山阴香种群的高度、胸径和冠幅以及三者间的相互关系,并采用分异指数量化了种群个体间高度、胸围和冠幅的差异程度。
- Mean height, diameter at breast height (DBH) and stand biomass were 44.8%, 32.7%and 139.76% higher in the mixed stand than in the poplar pure stand respectively. 26a生沙棘-杨树混交林中的杨树平均株高比纯林的高44.;8%25,平均胸径粗增加32
- The main factors which decided the characteristics of Larix Chinensis forests were analyzed, the order is DBH?tree height?age?Area at breast height?species abundance. 通过主成分分析,对太白红杉林特征起决定作用的因子依次是:胸径?树高?年龄?胸高断面积?物种丰富度;
- A correlation analysis was carried out among the age of fine E. ulmoides clones and height, diameter of breast height (DBH), bark and leaf yields in the first six years. 对杜仲优良无性系前6年树高、胸径、产皮量、产叶量与树龄的相关关系进行了调查分析。
- Three tree factors of diameter at breast height,tree height and tree volume of Japanese larch had been studied by using 5 empirical formulas and grey GM(1,1)model in this paper. 对日本落叶松三测树因子采用了5个经验方程和灰色GM(1,1)模型进行研究,经验方程中选中了柯列尔式,柯列尔式的各测树因子的残差平方和均小于GM(1,1)的残差平方和。
- Using man-investigation data of 300 107 new varieties populus to study the relationship between crown size and tree diameter at breast height of 107 new variety populus. 摘要利用300株107杨树新品种人工林调查资料,研究了107杨树阳性冠幅与胸径之间的相关关系。
- Result showed that different waterlogging depths have obvious effects on tree height, diameter at breast height, under branch height, trunk morphological structure, stem base form, and growth process. 结果表明:不同水分条件对池杉的树高、胸径、枝下高、干形、树干基部形态及生长过程均产生明显的影响。
- The results show that the water consumption of transpiration can be reckoned through standard specific conductivity of standard tree and the relative model between breast height diameter of tree and sapwood area. 结果表明,通过标准木的标准比导率和树木胸径和边材面积的相关模型,可以比较准确地推算出林分的蒸腾耗水量。
- According to the changes of DBH (diameter at breast height) and plant height along with the ages in each section, the growth status and rules were studied using statistical analysis and growth curves. 针对各标段主要树种的胸径和树高随着年龄的变化,并利用统计分析其生长变化曲线,探索了其生长状况和生长规律。
- The diameter at breast height(DBH) of each tree was recorded.We determined the life table, age structure and survivorship curve of the Abies fargesii to analyze population structure and dynamics. 巴山冷杉幼苗储备丰富,巴山冷杉自身的生物学特性及环境因素是形成这种现象的主要原因;
- Population age structure and recruitment information were obtained using an age-DBH (diameter at breast height) regression from the sampled cores and the DBH measured on all trees in the plots. 某一地区的太阳辐射能量高常会导致高温少雨,故高强度的太阳辐射使表土的湿度降低而不利于树木的径向生长。
- outside bark diameter at breast height 带皮胸径
- The climber fell from a great height. 攀登者从极高的地方坠落下来。