- The effects of high frequency induction braze welding technique on the microstructure of the band saw blade, which is used for universal saw-machine, have been investigated. 通过对万能工具锯床带锯条高频感应钎焊工艺及其对带锯条组织影响的研究,确定了带锯条高频钎焊的合理工艺。
- 6. Banaim P.Zalkind S.Abramov E.Eden S Joining of beryl lium by braze welding technique:preliminary results 张友寿.;秦有钧
- braze welding technique 钎焊工艺
- The Application and Investigation of Torch Braze Welding Techniques in Copper Pipe Process in Air-conditioner Manufacturing 火焰钎焊工艺在空调管路加工中的应用和研究
- The technology of developing quality and strong pick is found by researching the hard metal alloy, pick-body material, weld gap, technique of braze welding and heat treatment. 通过对硬质合金、截齿体材质、焊缝间隙、钎焊及热处理工艺的研究,寻找出了研制优质强力截齿的技术途径。
- According to the technology and configuration of the vacuum braze welding metal honeycomb parts, the technique of ultrasonic inspection for them was studied. 针对金属蜂窝真空钎焊件的工艺及结构特点,探讨了利用超声波法对其质量进行检测的可行性和可靠性。
- It was exquisite in shape, complicate in ornamentations and made by various technologies such pottery pattern technique, lost wax technique, braze welding and riveting. 采用陶范法、失蜡法、钎焊、铆接等多种工艺精工制作而成,全器造型优美,纹饰繁复。
- It is made of stainless steel by adopting the technique of advanced high vacuum braze welding, complete pressure-sealed leek hunting and pulse fatigue testing. 采用先进的高真空钎焊技术和完备的压力打磅检漏、脉冲疲劳检验等控制手段。
- Welding technique is an effective method of joining Al-MMCs. 焊接技术是连接铝基复合材料的有效途径。
- Results show that the brittle fracture is mainly caused by hydrogen brittleness that results from the oxidation arid absorbing hydrogen of copper tube during braze welding. 同时在加热和冷却时,由于异种材料的热胀系数差别过大,产生的较大热应力作用于已存在的裂纹,促使裂纹二次扩展,甚至使得晶粒脱落产生空洞,最终导致焊接接头漏气失效。
- The method and technology of oxyacetylene flame braze welding for main cable wrapping at Shantou Bay Bridge were introduced,and the difficulties of the welding were analyzed. 介绍汕头海湾大桥主缆缠丝所采用的氧-乙炔火焰钎接焊方法及其工艺,并对主缆缠丝焊接的难点进行了分析。
- Reliability experiment was shown that braze welding quality could be known exactly by ultrasonic inspection when proper device, parameter and evaluation method were selected. 可靠性验证结果表明,选择合适的仪器设备及检测参数,采用正确的评定方法,超声波所测结果能较准确的反映零件的钎焊质量。
- Good Welding Techniques and knowledge of Heat Treatment. 热处理焊接方面的良好技能和知识。
- With a new welding technique introduced, the use of stainless steel was no longer limited to making small things only. 由于新的焊接技术的引进,不锈钢的使用就不仅仅局限在微小的物件上了。
- Harbin Xiangying Group Dalai Xiangying Magnesium Alloy Welding Technique CO., LTD. 新型金属哈尔滨翔鹰集团大连翔鹰镁合金焊接技术有限公司。
- Arc brazing has the characteristics of braze welding and arc welding. 电弧钎焊是近十年来才发展起来的一种新型硬钎焊工艺,兼有钎焊和电弧焊的特点。
- The Advanced Welding Technique with Waveform Control Technology from Lincoln Electric. 源于林肯电气先进的波形控制焊接技术。
- Therefore, the stain-less steel hip flask adopts argon arc welding technique, it is the initiate of home. 其中,不锈钢酒壶采用氩弧焊工艺,系国内首创。
- The weldability of the 2205 duplex stainless steel were investigated and the key welding technique was introduced. 摘要对2205双相不锈钢的焊接性能进行了研究分析,对材料的焊接技术关键进行了介绍。
- Presents the development and use of new stainless steel heap welding technique for main steam valve sealing surface. 介绍了主蒸汽阀门密封面不锈钢堆焊新工艺的开发与利用。