- Therefore, when marketers of positively perceived brands cooperate with those of neutrally brands through co-branding strategy, they need to consider carefully to avoid brand dilution happening. 因此,高评价品牌必须注意与合作对像推出共同品牌产品,提升对方评价的同时,会造成本身品牌评价降低的危机。
- They urged on us the need for cooperation. 他们向我们强调合作的必要性。
- Now pay attention its brand please. 现在请注意它的商标。
- I need your cooperation in this subject. 在这个项目上我需要你的合作。
- Let's hope for good cooperation between us! 让我们共同期待着进行良好的合作吧!
- She's gone over to a milder brand of cigarettes. 她已改吸另一牌子味道较淡的香烟。
- Own brand goods are often cheaper. 有本店商标的货物往往比较便宜。
- Nebulous assurances of future cooperation. 对未来合作的含糊的保证
- What brand of vegetable oil are you using? 你正在用的植物油是什么牌子?
- There is a tendency towards regional cooperation. 有一种地区性合作的趋势。
- A trademark used for a brand of petroleum jelly. 凡士林用来作为石油脂的商标
- Which brand of toothpaste do you prefer? 你爱用什么牌子的牙膏?
- This brand of tea is my favorite. 这种茶我最爱喝。
- One in ten say they preferred their old brand of margarine. 有十分之一的人说比较喜欢老牌子的人造黄油。
- This sitcom is produced in cooperation with Hong Kong TV. 这部连续剧是同香港电视台联合制作的。
- The salesman tried to fob off an inferior brand on us. 那个推销员试图以劣质牌号骗卖给我们。
- We calculate on their cooperation. 我们指望著他们的合作。
- Not having a trademark or brand name. 没有商标的,没有牌子的
- We calculate upon their cooperation. 我们指望著他们的合作。
- He gave his name to a well-known brand of frozen food. 他以自己的名字命名的冷冻食品成了名牌。