- Perfect bond market structure and function. 完善债券市场结构和功能。
- Randa brand market has gradually become the dominant brand. 伦达品牌已逐渐成为市场的主导品牌。
- Only sanitarian wine industry still is in numerous brand horse race to encircle the ground, market structure had be notted form, and the field that having bigger growth space. 只有保健酒行业还处于众多品牌跑马圈地,市场格局尚未形成,而且有着较大增长空间的领域。
- A Research on the Trend of Chinese Insurance Market Structure. 论中国保险市场模式的选择。
- Market structure analysis of China coatings industry! 中国涂料行业市场结构分析!
- How to apply brand marketing tactics correctly? 如何正确应用品牌营销策略?
- Who Could Hold The Shills of Brand Marketing? 谁能掌握品牌营销之“道”?
- As for market structure,there need further investigation and analysis. 而对于产业结构,我们需要进行更加具体细致的调查和分析。
- Company "BWT" brand marketing, it is on its own brand reputation. 公司以“BWT”品牌行销,很注重自己品牌的美誉度。
- The existence and the specialty of the apparel counterfeit market are discussed through the comparison of the counterfeit market and brand market. 通过假冒品牌服装市场与正品市场的比较研究,探求假冒品牌服装市场存在的特殊性。
- Cassidy Trading Company Ltd.(Foshan), published in 2007, acted solely for the Asia-Pacific region Cassidy brand market to popularize it. 留学解答资讯网:2007年成立凯西迪(佛山)贸易有限公司,全权代理亚太地区凯西迪品牌市场推广。
- As increase with brand market age, acknowledgement (recognition?)and understanding from new customers on brand will gradually become less. 随着品牌市场年龄增加,新的用户对品牌的认知和了解会自然的减少。
- "Buyer's market" is the terms of brand producing, while monopolize competition and oligarch are the market structures which impel brand products creation. 供给大于需求的“买方市场”是品牌产生的条件,而促使品牌产品创造的市场结构是垄断竞争和寡头垄断市场。
- The integration of the market structure would also achieve economies of scale thus reducing the operational costs and enhancing competitiveness. 重整市场结构亦会实现规模效益,从而削减营运成本,加强竞争力。
- In brand marketing, brand vision is always the most intuitive perception! 在品牌营销过程中,视觉永远是品牌最直观的感知!
- Food Safety, Consumers, Market Structure and Policy Issues on Food with New Traits - A Multi-country Comparison. 食品安全,消费者,市场结构与新食品政策问题-多国间的比较。
- What does a population of homebodies mean for retailers and brand marketers? 那么对于零售商和品牌商来说,人们在家时间多了会带来什么影响呢?
- The oligarchic monopoly is a kind of efficient market structure, the advantage of which can push the development of the completely well-off society. 摘要寡头垄断是一种有效率的市场结构,这种市场结构的优势有助于推进我国全面的小康建设。
- Market Structures: Monopoly, Oligopoly, Perfect Competition. 经济市场结构。
- Today,Vazbo brand market in the chemical industry have a pivotal position and visibility, the Chinese market has become a rare, well-known household name Brand. 今天,威兹伯品牌在化工市场上拥有举足轻重的地位及知名度,已成为中国市场不可多得、家喻户晓的知名品牌。